Online Help

Entering Your Champion Information

Typically, your first name, last name, and email address are required to create your fund but other fields may also be marked with an * (asterisk) to indicate that they are also required. To help keep your information complete and current on our site, please provide information in all fields.

If you are a registered user on this site, it is important to log in before you begin creating the fund so that the system can use the information from your user profile. If you are a registered user but have not logged in, the system may display a Duplicate email address found error message when you attempt to enter your champion and billing information.

If you are not a registered user, you must create your login information to access the Champion Center by entering a User Name and Password.

If the Initial Gift (or Seed Gift) field displays on this page, you can start your fund with its first donation by entering an amount here and the Billing page will display in a future step so you can enter your credit-card payment online.

If an Additional Questions section displays, please provide responses to help us gather information about Personal Fundraising. If a question has a * (asterisk) in front of it, a response is required and you must answer it in order to create the fund.

Step 1: Enter Your Name

If your name is not already entered:

  1. Optionally, click the Title drop-down list and click the appropriate option to add Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, or Dr in front of your first name.
  2. Click into the First Name field and enter your first name.
  3. Optionally, click into the Middle Name field and enter your middle name or nickname if you prefer.
  4. Click into the Last Name field and enter your last name.
  5. Optionally, click the Suffix drop-down list and click the appropriate option to add Sr, Jr, III, or IV behind your last name.
  6. Optionally, click the Professional Suffix drop-down list and click the appropriate option to add a professional suffix to add Esq, MD, JD, and so on, behind your name.

Step 2: Enter Your Email Address

Click into the Email field and enter the email address at which you will receive email. Note that you must supply an email address if you select the notification checkbox below.

Step 3: Enter Your Postal Address

  1. Click into the Address 1 field and enter the number and street name of your residence.
  2. Click into the Address 2 field and enter the other residence information (such as apartment or suite number).
  3. Click into the City field and enter the city in which the residential address is located.
  4. Click the State/Province drop-down list and select the appropriate state or province that corresponds to the residential information supplied above.
  5. Click into the ZIP/Postal Code drop-down list and select the appropriate option that corresponds to the residential information supplied above.
  6. Click into the Phone Number field and enter the 10 numbers (area code, exchange, and number) of your telephone number.

Step 4: Leave or Change the Remember Me Option

  • Leave the Remember Me checkbox checked to have the system display your name and log you in each time you return to the site.
  • Or, click the Remember Me checkbox to remove the existing checkmark if you do not want to have the system remember your information each time you return to this site.

Note: To understand how the system remembers you, click the What's This link. Reading this information about Interent cookies and the organization's privacy policy regarding the use of cookies may help you make your decision about using this option.

Step 5: Leave or Change the Email Notification Option

  • Leave I would like to be emailed when a gift is made to this fund checkbox checked to have the system send you a notification each time money is donated to the fund.
  • Or, click the I would like to be emailed when a gift is made to this fund checkbox to remove he checkmark so you will not be sent an email notification each time money is donated to the fund.

Note: The email notification only states that someone made a donation. You can see the name of the person who made the donation in the Champion Center Followups or Fund Summary page. For assistance, refer to the online help for the Followup Page or Fund Summary Page.

Step 6: Create Your Champion Center Login If You Are Not Already a Registered User

  1. Click into the User Name field and type the name you want to use to login into the Champion Center. You must enter at least 5 letters or numbers and can enter up to 60. You should try to use a name that you will remember easily.
  2. Click into the Password field and type a password. You must enter at least five letters or numbers and can enter up to 60. It is often a good idea to use a combination of letters and numbers to create phrase that you can remember, but would be hard for someone else to guess.
  3. Click into the Repeat Password field and type the password again.

(1) This login will enable you to access the Champion Center so you can personalize your fund page, edit the Fund Settings, send emails about the fund, and monitor the fund progress.

(2) When you create the login account, you are registering with our site. Your information will be kept in a user profile. Each time you return, you can log in with this information to automatically access the areas to which you are authorized, such as the Champion Center.

Step 7: Start Your Fund with a Personal Donation as an Initial Gift (if this field displays)

  • Click into the Initial Gift field and enter the numbers of the dollar amount you want to donate (for example, 50 for $50.00).
  • Or, leave the field blank if you want to monitor your fund progress and make a donation later.

Notes: Remember to figure in the amount of any Setup Fee that you may also be asked to pay as you calculate how much money you would like to donate. Entering an amount will cause the Billing Information pages to display so you can make a credit-card payment immediately to activate the fund.

Step 8: Answer Any Additional Questions Displayed

Click into the appropriate fields and enter the appropriate information or click the drop-down lists and click the appropriate options to respond to the questions.

Notes: Some questions may be required and you will not be able to create your fund unless you respond to them. These questions will be marked with an asterisk (*).

Step 9: Display the Next Page

Click the Next Step button to display the: