Import Contacts to My Participant Center

NOTE: Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and generic .csv files are supported for automatic import.

In the Email tab, select All Contacts from the selector panel, and click Import Contacts on the action panel.

In the Import Contacts popup window, select the radio button for the source of your contact data, and click Next.

Import from Gmail

The Import Contacts window informs you that your consent is necessary to access your Gmail account. A separate popup window also opens to log in to your Google account. Select your Google account and login as usual.

In the Grant Blackbaud Contact Importer permission popup window, click Allow.

Click Allow in the Confirm your choices window.

Select contacts to import and click Next.

Your contacts now appear in the Email tab of your center.

Import from .csv file

PC3 Email Import CSV Source File Example

NOTE: The .csv file must be organized so one column is first name, one column is last name, and another column is the complete email address.

Click Choose File to browse for a .csv file. Select your .csv file and click Open. Then click Next in the Import Contacts window.

Select the contacts to import and click Next.

Your contacts now appear in the Email tab of your participant center.