Supporting a Participant with Your Gift OnlineYou can quickly and easily give an online gift to support the fundraising efforts of a specific person who is participating in the fundraising event. If you do not have the link provided by the person (typically from an email), you can search for the participant by their name, the name of their team, or the name of the company the participant is associated. From the search results returned, you can click the linked name of the person to visit their Personal Page and click the link there to support them with a donation or, click the Donate Now button if it displays to go directly to the steps involved in making your donation. If you have a link provided by the person in an email, click the link. Most likely, it will display the Personal Page of the person and you can skip the first section and go directly to the steps involved in making your donation.
Searching for a Specific ParticipantThe Search page initially displays with the Basic Search fields for searching for a participant by First Name and Last Name. To increase the chances of locating the correct participant quickly, you can use the Advanced Event fields to add more search criteria, such as the name of the event (if several similar events are all occuring), the name of the team on which the participant has registered, and the name of the company associated with the participant or their team. If you are unsure about spelling, you can enter partial information in a field to reduce the chance of errors. For example, entering John in the Last Name field can return several variations of the last name Johnson, such as Johnsen, Johnsonn, Johnsson. Or, if you know that the person is on a team named Team something, entering the word Team in the Team Name field may help return a smaller list. Important: If you are already a constituent on this site with a user account, you may want to log in to have certain information displayed on the donation form when you get to it. Step 1: Display the Participant Search Page On the Greeting page of the fundraising event, click the link, button, or tab designated to locating a participant (for example, the default Click here to find a team or participant link, which displays in the list of links). Tip: The Greeting page of an event is typically displayed on the main fundraising pages of our site. Step 2: Enter Your Search Criteria To search by identifying:
Step 3: Select the Participant From the search results returned, to display the:
Making Your Donation
To give a gift online, simply complete the online gift form with required information including your form of payment. You can pay online by credit card or authorizing an electronic withdrawal (or, direct debit) from your bank. Most donation forms have several pre-defined amounts available for selection along with an option to enter your own amount. You may be able to select from different payment options (such as a single payment, recurring payments at set intervals, or installment payments towards a large gift amount). This topic includes:
Note: Any custom fields developed specifically for us may not be described in this topic. Understanding Online Gift Donation FormsOur giving and fundraising opportunities are organized by sets of events or campaigns around our causes or mission. You can find lists of opportunities on our web site pages as well as through links on our site home page. You may also click links from emails or electronic newsletters that feature these events and campaigns to display donation forms that enable you to support us with an online gift. After you submit your gift, a confirmation page with a summary of the information you entered (except for confidential information like your credit card or bank account number) displays that you can print as a receipt for your records. One-time Gifts vs. Recurring Gifts In addition to making a one-time gift payment where your payment is processed and the money is collected immediately, you may also have the choice to make recurring gift payments of the same amount at a selected time interval (for example, every month, every quarter, every year, and so on). If you make multiple payments, your first payment is processed and collected immediately, and then on the appropriate date, your payment is processed and collected again. An email will be sent to you each time your payment is processed to remind you that the payment was collected. Important: The information from your payment type (that is, your credit card number, bank account number and routing number, or other account information) is not stored on our site at any time. If you select a recurring gift plan, this information is stored by the third-party payment processing institution who does maintain your payment information securely to process your ongoing payments. You can view and edit your billing information in the Service Center in your account profile. Selecting Your Gift Type and Contribution LevelTypically, you can select from several pre-defined amounts and different payment options. Tip: If you are already a constituent on our site (and have a User Name and Password), you may want to log in so your information can be filled in automatically. Step 1: Display the Online Gift Donation Form From a:
Step 2: Select the Gift Type To make an online gift donation for:
Adding a Personal NoteIf you are giving a gift in support of someone or a group (such as a team for a team fundraising event), the form may have an area that you can enter a personal note with the gift. Some people use this to inspire and encourage others to give. The note is displayed in any notification that the fundraiser or group of fundraisers receives and sometimes directly on the gift honor lists that display with the amount of the gift. Step 1: Enter Your Personal Note Enter a short statement in the area provided. Giving Your Gift AnonymouslySome online gift forms may contain a checkbox that allows you to give your gift anonymously to keep from having your name displayed on any gift honor rolls or lists displayed on the Web site. SStep 1: Specify to Keep the Your Name From Displaying Click the checkbox that states you want to make your gift anonymously. This means that although the gift amount may display, you do not want your name to appear on the various honor rolls and gift lists displayed throughout our site. Giving Your Gift On Behalf of SomeoneSome online forms may allow you to give your gift on behalf of someone that may be deceased or still living. You may be asked to provide recipient information for the person who will be notified about the gift, which may be the person in whose honor you are giving the gift or a representative of the person (such as a next of kin). Step 1: Select the Honor Gift Type If the Honor Gift Type selection list displays, click:
Step 2: Identify the Honoree
Step 3: Optionally, Enter Honoree Deceased Information If the Is Honoree Deceased checkbox displays and is applicable, click the checkbox. Step 4: Identify the Notification Recipient
Step 5: Compose the Notification Message Click into the Message Body area and enter a note to the notification recipient. For example, you could enter "Just a quick note to let you know that I gave a gift in your honor to a foundation to help raise money for a cure. I saw the site and thought about your struggle and knew it was a way to help." Step 6: Add a Message Closing Optionally, click the Message Closing area and enter a closing (such as, Sincerely or Best Regards). Step 7: Add Your Name as a Signature Click the Message Signature field and enter your name (or whatever you want to say). Step 8: Optionally, Include the Amount of Your Gift If the Include Gift Amount in Message checkbox displays, select it to have the amount of your gift displayed in the message. Giving Your Gift Jointly with Another DonorSome online forms allow you to give your gift along with another donor. This will display the name of the second donor in any gift honor roll lists and other recognition means on the Web site or in emails. Although you must make the gift payment yourself, you can add the name of the joint donor. You must make the gift payment, but can provide the name of the joint donor. Step 1: Enter the First Name of the Joint Donor Enter the name in the First Name field. Step 2: Enter the Last Name of the Joint Donor Enter the name in the Last Name field. Providing Your Contact InformationIf the Contact Information section displays (in addition to the Billing Information section), it may contain extra fields that do not appear in Billing Information. While the name you enter in the Billing Information must exactly match the name on the credit card or bank account you are using, you can enter a nickname or more common name in your Contact Information. If you are not a registered constituent, you can fill in the required fields to register and create your account as you make your donation. You must provide at least your First Name, Last Name, and Email address. Step 1: Enter Your Name Click the First Name and Last Name fields to enter this information. Step 2: Enter Your Residential/Postal Information If this information is not filled in or you want to update it: Note: If either the Donor Address Same as Billing Address / Shipping Address checkbox displays, you can click the checkbox and skip to the next set of information. The system will fill in the address fields for you after you complete the form.
Note: If the address is not in the list, click the appropriate option and manually enter the information. Step 3: Enter Your Email Address and Preferences
Step 4: Provide Your Telephone Information
Step 5: Provide Information About Your Employment
Providing Account Login InformationIf you are creating a new account with this information, you can create your own User Name and Password for the account. You can also select the Remember Me checkbox to have the system log you in automatically each time you return to the site. Step 1: Create Your User Name For User Name, enter a name that you can easily remember each time you want to log into this site. You must enter at least 5 numbers or letters. You cannot use any special characters from the keyboard (like the - or ?). Step 2: Create Your Password For your Password, enter a word or phrase of between 5 and 10 numbers and letters. You may want to enter a password you can easily remember each time you log in. Step 3: Confirm Your Password For Verify Password, type the string you just entered again. Step 4: Create a Password Reminder For Reminder Hint, enter a word or a phrase that may help jog your memory if you forget the password for this account. Step 5: Enable the Remember Me Option Click the Remember Me checkbox to be automatically logged in each time you display the site. Providing Your Billing InformationYou may be asked to supply billing information in addition to, or instead of, your contact information. This information is used to verify the first and last name you enter for your payment method and must match the name on the account used for payment (for example, your credit card or your bank account). Step 1: Enter Your Name Click the First Name and Last Name fields and enter this information. Step 2: Provide Your Residential/Postal Information If a checkbox displays for using the other Contact or Billing Information supplied, select it to have the address fields filled in automatically. Otherwise, to fill in or update the information:
Note: If the address is not in the list, click the appropriate option and manually enter the information. Step 3: Provide Your Telephone Information
Step 4: Provide Information About Your Employment
Sending an eCard to Others About Your GiftSome online forms enable you to send an eCard to tell others about this fundraising opportunity and your gift. The eCards typically contain a picture and content (such as about the fundraising opportunity and link to the online giving form. You can enter your own message to supplement the content already provided in the eCard as well as enter your own subject line and signature so the recipients will be able to tell that the eCard is sent from you. The email addresses of the eCard recipients will be stored in your personal address book. They will not be used by us for any reason. Step 1: Enable eCard Selection Select the Automatically Send eCard checkbox. Step 2: Select Your eCard If multiple eCard designs are available, select eCard you want to send. Step 3: Enter Your Name as You Would Like It to Display To display a different name than your contact or billing name, enter that information in the Name of Sender field. For example, you may want to send it from your family or a group. Step 4: Enter the Email Address of Each eCard Recipient In the Recipient Email addresses area, enter the email address for each recipient. Between the addresses, you can press the Enter key to start each address on its own line or you can use a comma. Step 5: Schedule When to Send Your eCard Click the month, day, and year drop-down lists to schedule the date on which your eCard should be sent to the recipients. Step 6: Enter the eCard Subject In the eCard Subject field, enter the phrase that will identify this email to its recipients. Step 7: Enter the eCard Message In the eCard Message area, enter the content you want to display on the eCard. Step 8: Send Yourself a Copy of the eCard To have the system send you a copy of the eCard when it is sent, click the Yes, send me a copy of the eCard checkbox. Step: Affirm the Attestation Statement For each statement that applies, select the appropriate checkbox. Entering Your Gift Payment InformationIn addition to paying with a credit card, other forms of payment may also be allowed. For example, you may be able to have the payment withdrawn from your bank account or use your PayPal account. Step 1: Select the appropriate option and fill in any requested information. For example, to pay by:
Processing Your GiftAfter you complete the information on the online giving form, you must confirm that the information in the transaction is correct and then process your payment, which verifies that the money can be collected. Step 1: Display the Transaction Information Summary Click Next on the last page of information. Step 2: Review the Information for Accuracy Specifically, check the:
Step 3: Optionally, Make Changes
Step 4: Process the Payment Click Finish (or Confirm, Process, or Submit). Step 5: Print a Receipt for Your Records To print the Thank You page that displays, use the Print function on your Web browser or click the print link on the Thank you page. |