Untitled Document

Stop The Wait Act

The Hydrocephalus Association has joined dozens of other patient groups in supporting the Stop The Wait Act. The Stop the Wait Act directs the Social Security Administration to phase out the 5-month waiting period to receive SSDI benefits and allow anyone who is uninsured or unable to afford insurance during the Medicare waiting period to receive Medicare coverage.

Please take a moment to ask your elected officials to cosponsor this legislation.


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative


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Dear [Decision Maker],

I write today to urge you to cosponsor the Bipartisan Stop the Wait Act (H.R. 883 and S. 320). Individuals who have worked for most of their adult lives and have developed a disability can be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), an insurance benefit that every working American pays into with each paycheck. But in an outrageous loophole, individuals who have been determined to be disabled after going through what is often a long process, are barred from receiving payments for the period beginning 5 months after the onset of their disability. The first 5 months of disability are ineligible for compensation. They must also wait 29 months--a 24-month waiting period after the start of their disability payments--to receive health insurance through Medicare.

People with Hydrocephalus deserve immediate care and support and this 5 month waiting period is cruel and unfair as families deal with the complications from Hydrocephalus. Please cosponsor this legislation and help end this undue burden on families with disabilities.

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