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Accelerating Kids' Access to Care Act

The Hydrocephalus Association has joined dozens of other patient groups in supporting the Accelerating Kids' Access to Care Act. The Accelerating Kids' Access to Care Act streamlines the out of state Medicaid and CHIP provider process and allows kids to have easier access to out of state specialists.

Please take a moment to ask your elected officials to cosponsor this legislation.


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative


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Dear [Decision Maker],

I write today to urge you to co-sponsor the Accelerating Kids' Access to Care Act (HR 4758 and S 2372). Currently, there are many forms of red tape that increase the time it takes for children covered by Medicaid or CHIP to access specialized care outside of their state. By streamlining the Medicaid provider screening and enrollment process, it would strengthen the ability for kids with complex medical issues to receive life-saving care from physicians that are experts in their field.

Many individuals within the pediatric hydrocephalus community receive care from specialists out of state. Please cosponsor this legislation and help ensure that kids diagnosed with hydrocephalus will not have to deal with these unnecessary burdens.

[Your Name]
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