Atlanta WALK to End Hydrocephalus


Welcome to our Team Page!

Please join our team and WALK with us to end hydrocephalus. This event is very dear to our hearts as we are walking on behalf of those who are living with hydrocephalus and the constant fear that another brain surgery is around the corner. 

As you may know, hydrocephalus is a life-altering, life-threatening condition, caused by an abnormal accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), resulting in pressure on the brain. The most common treatment for this condition is brain surgery to implant a medical device called a shunt. Sadly, a shunt is not a cure, as device failures are very common and lead to multiple brain surgeries over a patient’s lifetime, in some cases 100 or more. This is unacceptable and this is WHY WE WALK.

Our son, Pharaoh was born at 28 weeks weighing 2lbs 14 oz..unfortunately he developed hydrocephalus while in the NICU. So far, Pharaoh has had a total of 7 surgeries. Although, Pharaoh has been through a lot, he’s still the happiest baby and you would never know he’s a hydro baby without being told. 

We’re walking for Pharaoh..and all children either born with hydrocephalus or developed it along the way. 

Why do I WALK?

I believe no infant, child, or adult should live in constant fear of needing yet another brain surgery.

I believe that every person who joins the fight against hydrocephalus can have a lasting impact in the lives of every person diagnosed, today and in the future.

I believe that every dollar we raise for research will have a ripple effect and could be THE dollar that changes everything for a family affected by hydrocephalus.

Will you help make a difference? When you register to walk or donate, you are supporting the Hydrocephalus Association. But more importantly, you are supporting over1 million people in the U.S. living with hydrocephalus. You can give each of them hope for better treatments and a cure.

Join our team in person, join virtually and donate to help us reach our goal. Your donation is greatly appreciated and will go far in helping us find a cure and improve the lives of people living with hydrocephalus.

Thank you!

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 Rhaeos updated 2023  Locust Cider

Permanente Medicine
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