Baltimore WALK to End Hydrocephalus

Team G-Force


At such a young age, Gemma has endured nine brain surgeries due to a condition called hydrocephalus. Born at 28-weeks, Gemma was born very tiny and sick, and as a result suffered a brain bleed. This brain injury ultimately led to the condition known as hydrocephalus, for which there is NO cure and something she will have to deal with her entire life. It is a constant source of worry for our family --- all because of hydrocephalus and the faulty nature of the devices that manage this condition. 

Hydrocephalus (or "water on the brain")  is a life altering, life threatening condition, caused by an abnormal accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid, resulting in pressure on the brain. The most common treatment for this condition is brain surgery to implant a medical device called a shunt, which has a 50% failure rate in children within the first two years. Gemma is living evidence of this statistic, as she has experienced numerous malfunctions in seven years. In total, she has undergone NINE brain surgeries because of her hydrocephalus. 

A shunt is not a cure as its consistent failures lead to multiple brain surgeries over a patient’s lifetime, in some cases 100 or more. This is unacceptable and this is why, as Team G-Force, we have raised close to $60,000 in the past seven years to help support the Hydrocephalus Association. We have made this a family tradition and passion to support this wonderful organization, year after year, and we hope you will too.

In the spirit of giving, if you have the means to support Gemma and those with hydrocephalus by simply making a donation of any amount, we would be so grateful. Your donation is truly appreciated and will go far in helping us find a cure and improve the lives of people living with hydrocephalus.

Thank you!

The Moorhead Family 

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