Why We Walk/Run/Roll

Donor families, recipients and donation advocates come together for the Give Life 5K.

Why Walk We/Run

Event Details

Event schedule, awards, and more.

Race Details


Join us for the Give Life 5K—an in-person and virtual walk/run/roll on May 3, 2025.


Make a Donation

Donations support our community outreach, aftercare and education efforts.

Make a Donation
 Team Austin Gave Jen Received

Why We Run Story

“Our son, Austin, was an organ, eye, and tissue donor in 2019. Through his donation, our family has been connected to some amazing people! To make this story even better, a memorial circle for Austin was placed in a park. The park ranger’s wife, Jen, was diagnosed with a rare liver disease which affects one in one million people and was put on the waiting list for a new liver at the same time Austin passed away. This past year, Jen received her new liver! We are walking/running in memory of Austin and the many gifts he gave others and for Jen, who is a recipient of a new liver. We all believe we were meant to know each other and now it’s our job to spread the word on the importance of ORGAN DONATION!”

— Angela Schoebel, Team Austin Gave Jen Received


Campaign Progress

$1,110 Raised
thermometer icon
Goal: $65,000

Help Us Reach Our Goal!

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