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Prevention is better!
Jhpiego Newsletter | January 2019
Letho's outreach
Lesotho’s PrEPped for HIV
Outreach to men and vulnerable women in Lesotho leads to enrollment in quality health care services to screen and treat for HIV and other chronic illnesses. Support and funding from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief is improving health in Lesotho.
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Myanmar's Midwives
Myanmar’s Resilient Midwives
A commitment to innovative teaching methods, new clinical skills labs and hands-on practice leads to a strong midwifery workforce and a strengthened health system that delivers for mothers and newborns.
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Mozambican Nurse
A Partnership to Save Lives at Birth
A Mozambican father-to-be recognized the danger signs of a potentially life-threatening condition in his pregnant wife and got her to the health center. The nurses on duty responded quickly and effectively, thanks to the skills they learned through the U.S. Agency for International Development’s flagship Maternal and Child Survival Program.
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Resourcefully Yours
A Jhpiego-led study was conducted to identify gaps in Ethiopian medical education and practice, and to determine the content of the national licensing examination. The study found that most young physicians are interested in emergency medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. The authors recommend that a majority of questions for a licensing exam cover internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology and public health. Interesting finding: more than 70% of physicians had never inserted or removed a long-acting reversible contraceptive device.
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What do new mothers in Nepal prefer to use in kangaroo care for their premature babies—a traditional flannel cloth that requires help putting on or a new, ergonomic wrap that requires no assistance to wear? The implementation research study found that the new wrap might help overcome barriers to the use of kangaroo care at a time when the government has made this effective intervention a priority.
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Mother and Child
Save a Mother's Life Today!
Your contribution will help us to ensure that more women are surviving and that more children will have the chance to grow up happy and healthy with their mothers by their sides.
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