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Nurses and midwives are the key to achieving universal health coverage!

As 2020—the Year of the Nurse and Midwife—approaches, we highlight their drive and impact in providing quality health services for all.
Watch nurses and midwives take the lead!
Nurse Maibam Ranita Devi
Finding better health together
In Afghanistan, pregnant women in new “group” antenatal care sessions find a sense of sisterhood, self-empowerment and better health.
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Mother, Father, Child
Going the distance to end HIV
Barred doors, excuses and even barking dogs don’t break this Kenyan health worker’s determination to reach partners, partners’ partners and even partners’ partners’ partners of clients who test positive for HIV.
Take a journey
A Tanzanian nurse sings a healthy tune
Everyone is moving and grooving thanks to this Tanzanian nurse’s innovative family planning tune. Watch, sing along and, who knows, maybe even kick your shoes off and dance!
Listen in
Resourcefully Yours
Too often, people who live in hard-to-reach settings often have limited or no access to lifesaving vaccines and are at an increased risk of losing their life to a vaccine-preventable disease. Jhpiego’s Maxwell Muganda coauthored "Door-to-door immunization strategy for improving access and utilization of immunization services in hard-to-reach areas." It’s worth a read! Vaccines for all is key to achieving universal health coverage. There’s more we can do to reduce inequity and increase access to lifesaving vaccines.
Read Now
Get Ready for the Year of the Nurse and Midwife
Follow the conversation with us throughout the United Nations General Assembly and onward into 2020! Jhpiego’s social media has you covered, with breaking news, important stories and key data on the important role that nurses and midwives play in delivering primary health care and reaching our bold universal health coverage goals.
Mother and Child
Did you know Jhpiego’s Miles for Mothers team, now in its sixth year, is preparing for the Baltimore Running Festival in just a few weeks? You can join the team as a runner, walker, fundraiser or supporter. Help us raise resources for displaced women and families in South Sudan—we need your help!
Learn more about Miles for Mothers
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