Maryknoll Sisters Fall Festival Vendor Sign-Up
Thank you for your interest in being a vendor at the Maryknoll Sisters Fall Festival!
All money raised from the festival will directly go to our Sisters health and well being.
Terms for Vendor Application:
The Vendor agrees to exhibit at the Maryknoll Sisters 2023 Fall Festival on September 30th, 2023 and Rain Date of October 1st, 2023 and to comply with all of the Vendor requirements as stated herein:
Registration: All registrations must be submitted on or before September 7th, 2023 with full payment and will be processed in the order they are received. Checks will be deposited after Vendor has been accepted.
Schedule: Vendor participation is mandatory from the hours of 11AM through 4PM. All exhibits must be completely staffed and operating during the full hours of the Event.
Set Up: Vendors may begin setting up exhibit on the scheduled day at 8AM. There will be signs directing Vendors to the Check In area. Vendor vehicles must be removed by 10:00AM. Designated Vendor parking will be available. Late vendors will not be allowed to set up and no refunds will be given.
Vendor Space and Usage: Each contracted Vendor space shall measure no less than 10’x10’ and Vendor may not display or engage outside of that area. Vendor shall use the contracted space as stated in their written Registration and as approved by the Fall Festival Committee and may not share, assign or sublet any portion of the contracted space.
Exhibit Location: Vendor space location shall be determined by the Fall Festival committee. Vendor placement will be designed to create diversity and to facilitate the flow of attendees.
Exhibit Restrictions: Temporary tent structures must be open on 3 sides and must be secured in place to prevent shifting or collapse. Vendors may not encroach on any adjoining space. Music and / or sound effects must be kept at an acceptable level. Live music and / or amplified sounds within the Vendor space are prohibited. Pets are not permitted. Vendors may not distribute materials or solicit outside of the designated 10’ x 10’ space. Vendors may not sell or distribute alcoholic beverages without approval from Fall Festival Committee. Vendors may not obstruct the sidewalks in any manner. NO WANDERING SALES!
General Restrictions: The Maryknoll Sisters Fall Festival committee reserves the right: (1) to reject any applicant that, at their sole discretion, is deemed inconsistent with the overall atmosphere of 2023 Fall Festival or is incompatible with other exhibitors; (2) to restrict or remove (without a refund) exhibits that have been falsely entered or are deemed objectionable.
Unauthorized marches, skits, dances, entertainment or parades within the confines of the Event are prohibited. Vendors and attendees must follow the direction of Event Staff at all times during the Event.
Equipment and Clean Up: Vendor shall supply any needed equipment such as tables, chairs, and tents.
Contracted area must be neat and orderly at all times and kept free of refuse. Vendors may not leave any materials or refuse behind at the end of the Event.
Vendors may not operate after 4:00PM - without exception. At the conclusion of the event, contracted space must be left completely free of personal property, refuse, packing and display materials by 6PM.
Liability: Neither the Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc. nor the Fall Festival Committee shall be responsible for loss or damage occurring to persons, property or exhibits from any cause. Vendor is responsible for transportation, insurance and sale of their own work. Vendor agrees to protect and hold harmless the Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc., the Fall Festival Committee and its organizers against any and all claims that may arise from participating and displaying at this Event. Upon receipt of this form, and subsequent approval by the Maryknoll Sisters Fall Festival Committee, this agreement shall become a binding and enforceable contract between the parties. In the event the Vendor fails to occupy or use their contracted space by the opening of the 2023 Fall Festival, the Vendor shall forfeit all right to the contracted space. All registration fees are non-refundable. There are no exceptions to the Rules and Regulations stated above.
For more information please contact us at (866) 662-9900 or email at