Field Is Required Sponsorship Levels

Benefits include:

  • Large Logo Header on Walk Archway
  • Logo on Sleeve
  • Logo on Step & Repeat
  • Logo on Mile Marker
  • Logo on Website for 1 year
  • 20 Registered Walkers

Benefits include:

  • Logo on Walk Archway
  • Logo on Step & Repeat
  • Logo at Parking Entrance
  • Logo on T-Shirt
  • Logo on Website for 1 year
  • 12 Registered Walkers

Benefits include:

  • Logo on Walk Archway
  • Logo at Parking Entrance
  • Logo on T-Shirt
  • Logo on Website for 1 year
  • 10 Registered Walkers

Benefits include:

  • Logo on Walk Archway
  • Logo on Mile Marker
  • Logo on T-Shirt
  • Logo on Website for 1 year
  • 8 Registered Walkers

Benefits include:

  • Logo on Walk Archway
  • Logo on T-Shirt
  • Logo on Website for 1 year
  • 6 Registered Walkers

Benefits include:

  • Logo on Walk Archway
  • Logo on T-Shirt
  • Logo on Website for 1 year
  • 4 Registered Walkers

Benefits include:

  • Logo on Walk Archway
  • Logo on Website for 1 year
  • 2 Registered Walkers,

Your Information

Billing Information

Payment Information

Payment Method:

Credit Card Information:

Credit Card Type:
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
  • Visa
What is this?

Checking Account Information:

What is this?
 Account Type:

Check Information

Whit’s Way Sponsorship

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring this year’s Whit Whit Walk. Please choose from one of the following levels to become a sponsor of the Whit Whit Walk today!

Norton Secured

You will be charged upon clicking the submit button.

When you make a gift to MSK, you're standing with us in the fight against cancer and will receive email updates about how your support makes a difference for those we serve. You can unsubscribe at any time.