Gregory Arbogast
Burke Miller, one of my closest friends, has proven that when you have determination, grit, and an infectious attitude, anything is possible.
Burke is a father, a husband, a friend, a lawyer, and a two-time cancer survivor. In his late twenties, he heard the dreaded words "you have cancer." Despite being diagnosed with testicular cancer, Burke adorned his patented smile and marched forward with treatment. He was ill. He lost his hair. He was tired. But he never let the world know that beating cancer was hard. Throughout his entire fight, he laughed and loved and remained the same light in every room he had always been. And he beat cancer.
That is, until it returned a second time. A recurrence of testicular cancer is rare, and it can often mean that the cancer has won the fight. But not with Burke. Burke only widened his grin and he only fought harder. This time he had to travel for in-patient care. He was even more ill. He was even more tired. But he still never let the world know that beating cancer (twice) was hard. He still laughed and loved and only shone brighter.
As if beating cancer (twice) wasn't hard enough, Burke undertook to prove that he was as strong as he has ever been. To bring awareness and raise money for Fred's Team and Sloan Kettering, Burke decided to run the New York City Marathon. Training is hard. It makes you ill. It makes you tired. But just like his fight against cancer, Burke trained with a smile on his face and made everyone think it was easy.
I too have heard the dreaded words "you have cancer." When I was in my early twenties, only a few years before Burke was diagnosed, I was diagnosed with leukemia. And so, I am all too aware that fighting cancer is hard. That it challenges you mentally and physically, particularly at a young age when you still have so much that you want to do and see. I also know that it took determination, grit, and a positive attitude to beat cancer. Fifteen years later, I live a full life, cancer free.
I’ve joined Burke in running the New York Marathon this year because I want to join Burke in proving that cancer did not meet me; that it did not beat us. I want every person fighting cancer to know that while it may be unimaginably hard at times, there is another side to cancer as a survivor. A light at the end of the tunnel. As a survivor, you can and will rise stronger, having overcome one of the greatest challenges you may ever face. I want to raise awareness for this worthy cause so that you can join me in showing all those with cancer that there are so many people out there willing to walk alongside you in this journey. I am joining Burke in asking you to donate to organizations like Sloan Kettering who can help ease the burden of the fight against cancer. To help fund life-saving drugs that can aid more people beat cancer. So that one day, they can join Burke and me on this run.
Named in honor of New York City Marathon co-founder and MSK patient Fred Lebow, Fred’s Team brings together passionate runners and supporters to make progress against cancer. Since 1995, Fred’s Team participants have raised over $110 million. 100% of funds raised go directly into MSK labs, where doctors and scientists have expertise in more than 400 types of cancer and work every day to find new cures.
When you make a gift to Fred’s Team, you help MSK researchers develop new treatment options for the people who need them most. Together, we can make a big difference.
Thank you!
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