Colleen Miller
February 2016: “Mom, it’s cancer!”
September 2020: “Mom, it’s cancer again!”
No mom, no ONE should have to receive these phone calls ever.
But I did. Our son Burke was diagnosed with cancer twice in 4 1/2 years in his 30’s.
He is doing great now but those were rough times. The second time around he found himself being treated at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC. He was there for 10 days recovering from a grueling surgery in the middle of Covid with no family allowed.
While there, while watching what else than Brittany Runs A Marathon he learned that Sloan has its own running team for the TCS New York City Marathon, Fred's Team - MSKCC. He had never run a marathon before but immediately called a few best friends and they said, “if you run it we will do it with you.” We were very concerned that he would physically be able to do it, 10 months later he and 3 of his best friends crossed the finish line that November.
Thus was the beginning of Burke’s Team.
In 3 years the team has raised over $100,000 with a goal of an additional $50,000 this year. The amazing thing about donation to Sloan Kettering is that 100% of each and every donation goes to research.
Although my running marathon days are behind me and my ankles, I have agreed to Burke’s pleas to join his team this year for my second NYC Marathon. I will be walking most — if not all — of it but I will cross that finish line to get the biggest hug from my incredible son.
My pledge is $3500. Please consider helping me help Memorial Sloan Kettering achieve their goal.
“Imagine a world without cancer!”
Won’t that be amazing!!
Named in honor of New York City Marathon co-founder and MSK patient Fred Lebow, Fred’s Team brings together passionate runners and supporters to make progress against cancer. Since 1995, Fred’s Team participants have raised over $110 million. 100% of funds raised go directly into MSK labs, where doctors and scientists have expertise in more than 400 types of cancer and work every day to find new cures.
When you make a gift to Fred’s Team, you help MSK researchers develop new treatment options for the people who need them most. Together, we can make a big difference.
Thank you!
The Fred's Team Web page and e-mail are provided as a courtesy to participants to help them manage fundraising efforts for this event. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center or any of its affiliated organizations, or their officers, directors, agents, or employees do not control, nor are they responsible for, the contents of this Web page. Any views or information provided on this Web page are the sole responsibility of the participant. The participant's Web page may provide links to other Web sites and does not imply an endorsement by MSKCC, its affiliated organizations, their officers, directors, agents, and employees of the materials contained at those Web sites. |