In Memory of Larry Evola
I've created this page to raise funds for research at Memorial Sloan Kettering in memory of my husband, Larry Evola. Larry was diagnosed last year with brain cancer and was treated by the wonderful staff of nurses and doctors at Memorial Sloan Kettering.
Many of the most important breakthroughs in cancer research and treatment have been brought to light at Memorial Sloan Kettering. None of that progress would have been possible without support from people like you and me. I feel there is no better tribute to our Larry then to ensure that someday soon there will be a way to beat cancer.
Too many of us know people who have faced a cancer diagnosis, and sometimes it's difficult to know how we can make a difference. One of the most effective ways to help is to make sure the crucial work being done at Memorial Sloan Kettering continues to have the support that will drive it forward.
I hope you all will consider donating in memory of Larry.
Thank you!
Jeanne Evola
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