
On November 24, 2020 our two year old son Jackson was diagnosed with high risk Neuroblastoma. He was immediately admitted to Memorial Sloan Kettering, and Dr. Kushner, Dr. La Quaglia and many other superheroes on the team quickly devised a plan of action. Jackson had surgery the very next day, in order to be ready to receive treatment. Just a few hours post-surgery, Jackson started chemotherapy and began his journey to kick cancer's tushie! Jackson underwent chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and immunotherapy. He then relapsed and started treatment over again with a more aggressive plan.
In January 2022, we discovered that Jackson had developed a rare secondary cancer called Advance Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). MDS is a blood cancer, and if left untreated, will turn into Leukemia. It occurs in roughly 5% of patients that receive treatment for solid tumor cancers. We worked closely with Dr. Maria Luisa Sulis, the Chief of Pediatric Leukemia at MSK to develop a treatment plan consisting of high dose chemotherapy. Dr. Andrew Harris from the Bone Marrow Transplant team (whom underwent a bone marrow transplant himself) helped us find our stem cell donor and devised a plan unique to Jackson's history of disease. During the transplant process, we were isolated to our room in the hospital for a total of 4.5 weeks while Jackson recevied pre treatment and recovered from the transplant. MSK has a great team of teachers, clowns and musicians to help fill the days with activities that helped him get stronger each day.
It has been two years since we started this process and we are finally in a good place! We are excited to share that Jackson is now back in school with his friends, something we have all missed very much. Jackson will continue to be monitored closely and will be receiving a vaccine over the course of five years to prevent neuroblastoma from returning in the future. Through it all, the Jacksonsaurus is the most powerful of dinosaurs - he is incredibly strong, very brave, and determined - always with a smile.
We know many of you may ask how you can help - here is how:
Make a Donation:
All pediatric cancers are considered rare cancers, including Neuroblastoma and MDS. Because of this, pediatric cancer research is extremely underfunded. That’s where we come in. Together, as of November 2022, we have raised $376,000 for pediatric cancer research at MSK. With your support, Jackson’s doctors have been able to successfully launch a new Neuroblastoma study at MSK Kids that combines an immune enhancer with antibody therapy to harness the immune system to target and destroy tumor cells. This study could greatly enhance therapy for more patients everywhere. Please join our family in making a difference by donating today.
Stem Cell Match:
For those ages 18-40, you can apply to be a match for other patients in need. To get started, visit www.bethematch.org. After answering a few quick questions about yourself, they will send you a testing kit (which consists of a cheek swab) and once sent back, you will automatically be put into a registry. Should you be a match for someone in need, you will be contacted for further testing. For more information visit the Be The Match FAQ page.
*For those that prefer to donate via check, please see instructions below:
Please make checks payable to "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center" and mail to the following address:
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Office of Development
PO Box 27106
New York, NY 10087
Please include ‘In honor of Jackson Bagliebter’ in the memo section of the check
(By including this note in the memo section and by addressing to Stephanie, we can ensure that your contribution will be added to Jackson's fund and that Whitney and Mike will be notified accordingly.)
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