Nix Oklahoma Senate Bill 1552

nixitnow_ok_calloutOn Thursday May 19, the Oklahoma Senate passed a bill that would make it a felony to perform an abortion in the state. This bill conflicts with federal law. It is currently on the desk of Governor Mary Fallin, and it will automatically become law within five days if Fallin does not sign or does not veto.

The bill would also revoke the medical licenses of doctors who perform abortions, except in cases where the mother's life is endangered. It does not include exceptions for rape or incest. This bill is one of the worst anti-abortion billS we've seen in the US, and is the first of its kind. LGBTQ people need full access to reproductive health care including abortion, and this bill jeopardizes our healthcare access.

Please join us in urging the Governor to veto this unconstitutional and dangerous bill.


  • Your Governor


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Dear [Decision Maker],

I believe that all people, including lesbian and bisexual women and transgender people, should have access to reproductive healthcare including abortion. I was appalled to see Senate Bill (S) 1552 pass in the Senate without debate, a bill that would make it a felony to perfrom an abortion. This bill is extremely harmful and goes against federal law.

I urge you to veto S 1552 immediately.

Please veto this dangerous and unconstitutional law immediately.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]