LGBTQ Task Force

#StopSessions for Attorney General


  • Your Senators


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Reject Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General

Dear [Decision Maker],

I am writing to you because I, like millions of Americans, believe that Senator Jeff Sessions should not be confirmed as Attorney General.

Regardless of his protestations, Senator Sessions has a long track record of being an opponent of civil rights with racist views. He's also anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant and anti-choice.

He thinks the KKK is "OK," while disparaging the NAACP and ACLU as 'un-American.' He believes that core pieces of civil rights legislation such as the Voting Rights Act are 'intrusive' and has consistently voted against the civil rights legislation he will be charged with enforcing as Attorney General.

Please vote no to Sessions and everything he stands for.

Senator Sessions will do everything he can to dismantle and distort the true meaning of freedom, justice and equality and the laws that underpin these principles.

Please vote no to Sessions and everything he stands for.

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