LGBTQ Task Force

Stop Trump's Anti-LGBTQ Scheme


  • President Joseph 'Joe' R. Biden


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Don't manipulate religious freedom to discriminate against LGBTQ people

Dear [Decision Maker],

I have learned that you are possibly signing a so-called "religious freedom" executive order, which would insert a giant loophole into existing laws that already protect both religious freedom and civil rights.

This type of executive order shows an alarming breadth of possible harm. A person could be fired from their job as a janitor or cafeteria worker at a Catholic hospital; be denied basic emergency care because of an EMT's religious beliefs; or be denied the ability to fill a prescription for birth control.

For all of our communities, this executive order could mean being treated differently than our friends and neighbors when it comes to basic protections when trying to access housing, employment, or healthcare. And when this type of approach has been applied at a state level, businesses took their work to other states--as they know that discrimination is bad for people, bad for businesses and bad for America.

Bottom line: true religious freedom is under attack when politicians try to force their beliefs on other people. As history shows us, faith has often been used, abused and manipulated to justify discrimination, persecution and violence. Now is the time to stop history from repeating itself again.

Please do not sign this so-called "religious freedom" executive order. All the religious freedom protections we need are already in the US Constitution, which you've sworn to protect and defend.

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