LGBTQ Task Force

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  • Your Senators
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No tax cuts for millionaires

Dear [Decision Maker],

I urge you to oppose the Republican tax plan. The plan will hurt lower income tax payers while giving more money to the richest 1%. Some points that are highly problematic include that it could: Raise taxes for many people with the lowest incomes; lower taxes for many people with the highest incomes; force people with multiple children will pay tax on more of their income; and eliminate deductions for state and local income taxes as well as the student loan deduction. It could also repeal the Affordable Care Act individual mandate. That means that the number of people without health insurance could increase by 13 million.

If all of this wasn't enough bad news, this bill would repeal the separation of church and state in political campaigns known as the Johnson Amendment. This would widen the floodgates for more dark money and broaden the political influence of the church on candidates.

I urge you to reject this plan and work on an equitable tax structure that reduces the burden on the lower-income communities, while ensuring the richest pay their fair share.

Thank you,
[Your Name]
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