LGBTQ Task Force

Demand Justice for Jane!


  • The Honorable Alex Azar


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Stop blocking abortion care for young immigrants

Dear [Decision Maker],

I am calling for the removal of Scott Lloyd as the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), and for an end to ORR's policy blocking abortion care for young immigrants in its custody.

Scott Lloyd is unqualified for his position, has used his power to impose his religious beliefs onto the immigrant children and youth in ORR custody, and has shamed, bullied and coerced young people to continue pregnancies against their will.

ORR's policy overreaches into the personal decisions of immigrant youth who wish to end their pregnancies and we demand that ORR immediately restore access to reproductive health care services and information, including abortion, for the thousands of young people in their custody.

All people have a right to make decisions about their health and future with dignity and self-determination. The Trump administration is bound by law to respect this right whatever an individual's immigration status.

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