
      In the last two weeks we have seen state lawmakers pass laws prohibiting all abortions—even in the case of rape and incest.

      Abortion activists have taken to social media, the streets, and the courts demanding that these bills be proven as unconstitutional, an invasion of privacy, and dangerous to the health of pregnant people. Please join us in taking action against legislation like this at the state and federal level by emailing your lawmakers below!

      We provide all the information you need, all we ask of you is to personalize your letter by sharing your abortion story or why abortion access is important to you.

      Our lawmakers need to hear why it is important that this medical procedure be protected and strengthened—not weakened and eliminated. Your personal story can move more lawmakers to do the right thing and is more powerful than reading statistics. Join us in this fight by taking action today.

    1. Personalize the subject and text of the message on the right with your own words, if you wish.
    2. Complete the form below with your information.
    3. Click the Next Step button to send your letter to these decision makers:
      • Your Senators
      • Your Representative
      • Your Governor
      • Your State Senator or Senators
      • Your State Representative or Representatives

* = Required Fields










Send This Message


Dear [Decision Maker],

Over the last few weeks, state lawmakers from across the country have passed and proposed laws that would prohibit all abortions--even in the case of rape. This is unconstitutional, an invasion of privacy, and is dangerous to the health of transmen, non-binary and intersex people, and cisgender women.

If a bill that restricts abortion comes before you for a vote I urge you to vote no and to encourage your colleagues to do the same.


Your voice and your vote matters. As your constituent, I am depending on you to preserve a nearly half-century US Supreme Court ruling, Roe v Wade, which stopped people from having to go to alleyways and unsterile operating tables to have abortions. This ruling made it possible to determine for oneself if, when, and how to become pregnant.

LGBTQ people need abortion access too and I hope that you vote no to ensure all of me is protected no matter where in the state or the country I go.


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
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[Your Email]

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