LGBTQ Task Force
Gift & Payment Information

Become a Change Agent!

National LGBTQ Task Force Change Agents are those special donors who support the ongoing work of the Task Force through a monthly contribution.

Being a Change Agent is an easy way to spread out your donation throughout the year and provide ongoing support to the Task Force’s work for societal change.

Please join us in our fight for true freedom and justice for our community by becoming a Task Force Change Agent.

Change Agent Monthly Giving Program

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*Includes Leadership Council Membership

Billing Information

If this is your first donation to the Task Force, you'll start to receive online communication from us. You can opt out any time you'd like.

The National LGBTQ Task Force is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our federal identification number is 52-1624852.

Payment Information

Payment Method:

Credit Card Information:

Credit Card Type:
  • Visa
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
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