We need your support

The Nantucket Conservation Foundation relies on generous contributions from friends and supporters to fulfill our mission — the preservation and protection of Nantucket's open spaces. Whether you choose to join as a member or support a specific program, honor a friend or loved one, or give an unrestricted gift for use where the need is the greatest, you will be helping us protect Nantucket's fragile environment. Memberships begin at just $50.

If you would like to make a gift of membership for a friend or loved one, please click here. (If you would like to purchase a membership for yourself, stay on this page).

If you would like to make a gift in honor or memory of someone, please click here.

Membership Giving Levels

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Payment Information

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Credit Card Information:

Credit Card Type:
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
  • Visa
What is this?

The Nantucket Conservation Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Contributions are deductible to the full extent of applicable tax regulations. Please be sure to consult with your financial and legal advisors regarding your donations and estate planning.