Help us Finish Our Transformational Yiddish Textbook

With your help, the Yiddish Book Center will be able to complete the final phase of a five-year project to create an all-new Yiddish textbook that will make learning Yiddish easier, faster, and a lot more fun. The textbook’s multimedia Online Supplement will draw on the Yiddish books, recordings, and interviews we’ve collected over the years to create a vibrant, multimedia resource that will transform the way people learn Yiddish for years to come.

Mirtseshem, if all goes according to plan, the finished book will be in students’ hands next year. If we’re going to release the online supplement at the same time there’s not a moment to lose! Thanks to a generous match from our former board chair Michael Reiff and his wife Tatiana Simonova-Reiff, every dollar you contribute today will mean $2 to complete this groundbreaking textbook and its Online Supplement.

Field Is Required Gift Amount:

As special thanks for a tax-deductible contribution of $1,000 or more, we’ll include your name and commemoration in the Hesofe, the online supplement. 

Whatever you can afford—$360, $100, or $54—your tax-deductible contribution will count.  In fact, it will count twice, matched dollar for dollar by Michael Reiff and Tatiana Simonova-Reiff. And as always, we'll make sure to send you updates as the textbook and supplement meterials are completed, and students begin to use them!