Your donation will make a difference to people living with mental illness and their families.

Donating in memory or celebration of someone is a wonderful way to honour, remember or support a loved one or someone you know.

In Honour: Celebrate with a loved one, say thank you, or honour someone who has impacted your life or the lives of others. You can direct the Foundation to send a card on your behalf with your own specific instructions or send your own personalized eCard.

Celebrate a special occasion while helping to transform lives. Planning a birthday, anniversary, wedding or special event to mark a milestone? Consider opting out of birthday gifts and opting in with a donation to The Royal.

In Memory: Create a lasting testimony honouring the life of a loved one with a memorial donation. It is a thoughtful way to recognize the life and memory of someone you love or care about. On receipt of your gift, we will notify the honouree’s family of your kind gesture.

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If you donate and have not already registered, you will receive periodic updates and communications from Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health.

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