Good afternoon, everybody. This is Dave Johnson, and our moderator today is Sandy, our senior specialist from information technology and joining us as speakers are. Melissa Ullman, senior specialist of advocacy and government relations. Dr. Kyle Quigley, our Director of Veterinary Medicine and surgery, and Jim Kessler, of instruction and training. We're meeting today because the centers for Disease control have a new dog rabies going into effect on August, and it creates some challenges for guide dog handlers. And we're here to discuss the ramifications and not really to debate the egregiousness of the regulation. The situation is very much in flux at the moment, and for a number of reasons which we're about to discuss. I'll start by saying that within the last I'd say half hour to an hour. The CDC has changed the regulation. Which helps us a little bit, but doesn't get us out of the situation. So you should all know that this situation and this regulation came about because, rescue groups were important dogs from parts of the world where dog rabies still exist. And either vaccine protocols were not followed, for some of those dogs or the paperwork was falsified, and unfortunately some of the dogs had rabies and infected veterinary caregivers in the Us. We are talking about the dog rabies variant. I know a lot of people are going, but there is in the United States, but it is particularly the dog rabies variant that we're speaking about here. I'm gonna pass it along to Melissa to to go into the regulation a little bit and talk about where we're going with this. Okay. Alright. Good afternoon, everybody. Let me know, Dave. If if I if I can't be heard I think. Can you guys hear me? Okay. Yes, ma'am. Okay, so. I'm gonna start out very briefly by talking about how things are. Now. And how we can expect them to change so. As it stands right now. If you are traveling internationally. We. Suggest that people, unless they're going to Canada. We suggest that people reach out to their Usda accredited veterinarian, and find out what the export requirements are for that particular country. So in many cases, and they vary. So in many cases you have to get the international health certificate for the places that you're going, and then that has to be done by a Usda accredited vet. And usually that has to be endorsed. By the Usda. And then sent back. So it takes a little bit of time, and I think any of you who travel internationally on a regular or even a semi regular basis, know that that process is. Convoluted at times, and costly. Also, okay. So that you know that really. Has always sort of been the case. But for Canada. Generally we have advised people going between the Us. And Canada. To have their rabies vaccination on them somewhere, because customs and border control. Can ask for it. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't. But you want to make sure that you have it. Okay. So that's how things stand. Now. The purpose of this regulation. By the Cdc. Which takes effect on August. The point of it is to cut down on the possibility that. Dogs entering the United States with dog variant rabies, will bring it in so. So. What the Cdc. Has said, and and there have been some changes to this in the past. 20 min. Is that. All dogs. Returning to the US. From either a low risk for rabies or rabies, free country or high risk. Country, for rabies. Either coming back to the Us. From here. If the dog is vaccinated here, or visiting the Us. Have to now comply with additional requirements. Regardless of whether the dog is coming here by air, land, or sea. And that includes. Canada. Until about. 40 min ago. What that meant is that. If you were. Coming to the Us. Let's just focus on low risk countries. For now, even if it was Canada, and even if you were just driving across the border, you had to. Get. A a rabies, vaccination certificate. And it had to be endorsed by the governing body. Of the country where the dog was vaccinated, which basically meant that you had to spend several $100 getting your vet to fill this your Usda. Accredited vet to complete the paperwork, and it had to be endorsed either by the Usda. If the dog was vaccinated here, or by another country depending on where the dog was vaccinated. Now some of that was relaxed. A little bit for Canadians. A couple of days ago. Because in Canada you can. Now the Canadian Health Minister has worked very hard on this. So if you're coming from Canada, and your dog was vaccinated there. You can just. Have a A form that's completed, that is, does not have to be endorsed by the Department of Agriculture, and you can use it to enter and re-enter the Us. For as long as the dog's vaccination is good. Okay. But here is what. Also applies. And this is the sticking point. And then I'm gonna back up a little bit and talk about the new thing that just happened all right. So, regardless of where you're coming from. If you're coming to the Us. You have to complete. A Cdc dog import, form. The Cdc import form requires you to provide information about yourself. For example, whether you're the owner of the dog, whether or not you're the flight parent, whatever. And this is, this doesn't matter. If you're traveling by air, land or sea, or just riding across the border. Okay, it requires you to put in your dog's microchip number your dog's age and date of birth, your passport number, or driver's license number, which. You know, for most of us it's a state Id or a. Provincial id depending on where you live. Alright and then you have to upload. Pictures of your dog. And make sure that the dog's head and teeth and face are. Are showing Why this dog import form. Is so problematic is because it is not meeting what we call 508 accessibility standards. 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Is the part of the law that requires Federal agencies to make their stuff accessible. I. And others have attempted to do the dog import, form. That the Cdc has provided on its website. And it's very difficult at best. If you're a very advanced screen, reader user, you might have a little more luck with it. I personally found that I was. I thought that I was. For example, when I was selecting birth dates and things like that. I thought that I had successfully selected things, but then was told by aided person that I had not. Actually selected what I thought I did, though it moved me up to the neither. The next field. And they're just all kinds of problems with it. We reached out to our accessibility, consultant. That we work with internally, just to make sure that it wasn't just. You know, because I am not a tech expert, and I am. But I am also a competent screenwriter user. And we wanted to make sure that the people that were testing it, that we weren't really. We were giving accurate information, and so our accessibility consultant, said. That this form has pretty serious problems as well. So. That is something that no matter whether you're going to have lunch with your kids across the border, or whether you're taking a trip for a few days, or whether or not you're flying or wherever you're going and coming from that requirement with that form that has accessibility issues has not changed. What we just learned changed like, right before this webinar. Is, that. If you're. Coming to the Us. From a. Low risk. Rabies country. So Canada obviously is one And that's an example. I'm gonna fixate on Canada a lot because it's a place that's been pretty easy to travel. To and from. So because you haven't had to do international health certificates or anything so. If you are coming. From. If you're coming back to the Us from a low risk country. And there are other importance like international health certificates like you're just coming from Canada, for example. Now you just have to do either a verbal or written attestation. That your dog is vaccinated for rabies. We have not had an opportunity to dive into that deeply enough. Or are even sure that the information is there enough to know who will take that verbal or written attestation? If you know. They do it at the at customs, or how that's going to work. So that removes one of the barriers that was gonna be. Placed on on people with oh, and I should have said earlier, and I'm sorry that I didn't. But the reason we're talking about. This is because the Cdc has made no exemption for people with service animals. They've been very clear that they will not make an exemption for people with service animals. We are pushing on them. And I'm gonna talk about that. In a couple of minutes, but. But anyway, so so there's going to be this verbal attestation that your dogs vaccinated for rabies. If you're coming back to the Us. From Canada, or you're visiting the Us. From Canada, for example, and I'm sure it applies to other countries as well, where you would also have your standard health certificates that you'd have to do to get into those countries. But this dog on Cdc dog import form, it appears, is not going away. It's free. And all you have to show at the border is the receipt that you've completed. The form. And so, presumably, if you're cited and you have 3 hands, I don't know how many people do, and you can effectively take those pictures of your dog. You know. Presumably you can save them somewhere and use them again. But accessibility is a big issue here. So at the border you would just show the receipt that you've completed. The form. Another developing aspect of this that has also. We've also gotten some updates just this morning is that. Airlines were saying that they had no way of complying with the regulation, because the new regulation requires airlines. To have an airway. Bill. Which essentially means it's an airway bill is something that the airline fills out to track goods that are being shipped. And it's a legally binding document between. The shipper and the airline. And that has never been a thing for service. Animals that are being transported in the cabin. Because it just doesn't make any sense. But the Cdc was saying that. Airlines. We're gonna have to have an airway bill for dogs in the cabin. So what we were hearing from airlines was, well, since there's no process in place, and this is taking place on August. We're just not going to be able to fly service animals internationally, because we have no way of doing it, and we know that by not doing it. We're gonna be violating the air carrier access act and discriminating against people. But we don't really have a choice. So as a result, the Cdc. Has. Provided airlines with some information that they are allowed to request an exemption. To doing the airway. Bill. And we know for a fact that British Airways is going to be requesting that exemption so that they can fly service animals. And it's every airline can individually apply for that exemption. So I think that if you're traveling internationally. And you're told by the airline. We don't have a way to fly your service animal, and they haven't applied for the exemption. I think you can still. File A a complaint with the Department of Transportation against that airline, because now they have been given away. To comply with the regulations. So that's what I can say about that. What I can also say about our advocacy efforts is that we have been banging on doors calling I am a member of the Legislative and Advocacy Committee. For assistance dogs, international North America. We have written a joint letter. To the the Cdc. And the director that had veterinarian of health and human services, asking that they make an exemption for service animals, at least those accredited by. Adi and Igdf, the International Guide Dog Federation. The International Guide Dog Federation has written a similar letter to the Cdc. The seeing eye itself has reached out to members of Congress, and we've gotten some help from graduates who work for members of Congress. And so we give a shout out to those individuals. And have expressed our concern. Senators Clovisar and. Collins have written a letter to the Cdc. And we are also. We were exploring. Whether or not there were some. We're still exploring this. But and I can't go into a lot of details about this, but we're exploring whether or not. There are some legal claims. In the area of civil rights. Depending on how all of this shakes out. That can be brought so. Those are some of the advocacy efforts that we have been engaging in, and we will the airlines also. Have written letters to the Cdc. Asking for an extension. Of an a postponement on the regulation, not. Just for the purpose of having a new date and kicking the can down the road, but for the purpose of actually. Getting them to give us time to work together, to figure out how this regulation can work. And and partner with industry, partners and service animal organizations, to figure out how we can, how we can keep this from being a burden so. Where it stands right now is that to summarize that the Cdc has relaxed a few things right, they made it a little easier for dogs, vaccinate people with dogs vaccinated in Canada, which we really appreciate for our Canadian graduates. So that's 1 thing they've done. They have told airlines you can apply for an exemption for the airway bill. That's another thing that they've done. And now they have said that if you're. Coming back to the Us. From a low risk country. All you have to do is attest. That your dog does was vaccinated for rabies, and it can be a verbal or written attestation. And but we're still stuck with the inaccessible. Cdc import form and I think. So what I am. The sense that I'm getting is that the seat? And I might be wrong. So I'm gonna say that very clearly the sense that I'm getting thus far is the Cdc. Here's has heard, loud and clear that there are barriers that they need to address. But granting either one an exemption for people with service animals. Or to a postponement, so that things can be worked out. Those do not seem to be things that they have agreed to thus far. So that's what I have to say, and I'd like to now turn it over to quickly us to discuss more details about the forms that I'm sure I have not covered. So thanks a lot. Hello, thanks. Melissa. So I just. You know, backup and and just cover a few topics. Broadly. Just so. We all are on the same page as far as what's going on, and then we can get into some of the specifics. So this is a new regulation put out by the Cdc. Because rabies. Is. The dog at at. Disease and dogs that's covered by human health. So everything to rabies is covered by human health organizations. As far as the duration of immunity. The rabies certification process everything is designed to keep humans. From being exposed, and, as Dave was saying earlier, that's what happened here. Dogs were brought into the country with rabies, and they exposed. A lot of humans. So that's. That was what the problem was that they were trying to address. The other issue is. The different variants. There are different variants of rabies. They all. Cause the disease of rabies, and they and they're all Close to a hundred percent fatal. The as far as the the common variance that we're talking about here. So dog rabies variant the dog rabies. Variant has been eliminated from the United States back in 2,007, and they're trying to prevent it from coming back into the United States. The common types of rabies, the the variants that we have in the United States are. Typically bad. Skunk. And. Raccoon rabies. So. That being said. The. The biggest hurdle, as Melissa was saying, is this new Cdc import form. So. If you're traveling, I always recommend giving yourself at least. 3 to 6 months to plan. Accordingly, if you're traveling internationally. You still need to fill out a international health certificate. Based on the requirements of the country. You're going to. And then, as you return, you'll need a Cdc import form. And that's for international travel, past. You know. Not including Canada. So nothing has changed there other than you'll need the Cdc import to get back into the country. The other issue is high risk, low risk countries. Just broadly speaking, there's, you know, there's lists online that you can always look for yours, the specific country you're going to. But just broadly speaking, as far as regions go, high risk countries are in. Eastern European countries. Africa. South America. And some parts of Asia, so. If you're not going to those regions you can always double check to make sure you're going to either a dog's variant, free or low risk country. If you are going to those regions, you do wanna make. Check the country you're going to to see if it is a high risk. Country. Those lists are available on Cdc's website. Alright, so. You know, the International Health Certificate is taken care of by the Usda. You will need a Usda accredited vet for the International Health certificate. So if you're traveling anywhere other than Canada, so. Not all vets are Usda accredited. So you wanna make sure you find a Usda accredited vet. To work with. If you are traveling internationally. Alright! So now to Canada and. The other countries as far as the Cdc. Form. So. You'll be able to find this on the Cdc's website. If you just Google, Cdc. You'll get to their website and to the general area where you'll be able to find several different Topics related to. Importing your dog into the Us. Sure. Oh! Perfect! Kyle, I just wanna jump in and mention that we created an easy way to get to this page. On our website. So if you go to. Seeing Slash, cdc. If you put that in your browser, seeing eye Org, Cdc, it will take you directly to the page on the Cdc. Website that Dr. Quigley is talking about. Sorry, thanks. I just didn't want to forget. Excellent So once you're on their website, you'll be able to find the form. You'll also be able to. You know, address any of the questions you might have. They have a lot of. Information on here. Some of the the big things are, how long is the Cdc form good for? So as long as you're traveling to a dog rabies, low risk country like Canada. It is good for 6 months. And. You, you can reuse it to get into the United States. Several times, or as many times during that 6 month period, as long as you do not travel to a high risk country. You know the basic requirements that the dog must be over 6 months of age applies. The dog must appear healthy when it arrives, and the dog must be microchip always applied. So. It's it's good for 6 months. You can use it multiple times. The owner of the dog is who's completing the form. You do not need a Usda accredited veteran, or any type of veterinarian. There is no cost associated with the Cdc form. And. As far as When it should be completed. You know, if you're using it for that 6 months, as long as you're using it. During that 6 months that you know. That's how long it's good for. If you plan on traveling, you can actually do it the day of travel. So there's no. You know you don't have to. Have it submitted several days ahead of time or 10 days ahead of time, like in international health certificates, you can do it. The day of travel, or you could do it. 5 months before you travel. As long as you're. Yeah. Able to use it within that 6 month timeframe. You will need to be able to show the receipt that you submitted. The form. The receipt can be printed or shown on the phone screen to us. Customs. Officials or the airlines if they're asking for. And I think so. I I just wanted to walk through one of the forms with you, just so you can. Get a sense of what's on it. I know Melissa. Covered most of the topics. I was just gonna read you line by line. So the Question is, is, has your dog been to a high risk country in the past 6 months? And at the top of the form there's a link to high risk countries. To make sure your dog has not been to one. Then it's gonna ask for your the owner's name. So your name. 1st name, last name, and the person listed above is. The owner, the shipper. The flight parent. I don't know what exactly that is, or somebody else. So you can select the owner. The identification type. This is for you. So. Your passport number, or drive in license number and your date of birth. Your email address and your phone number are also required. As well as your the physical address. Where the dog will be located in the United States. The next section is about the information regarding the animal. So. Like your dog's name, age. As far as years and months. The. The breed. And color and markings. The importation purpose is going to be service animal. So they have personal, pet commercial government owned, and service animal. So you can select service, animal. And then. Section C is travel information. But there's no No, nothing to fill out. And section is the signature. So just make sure that you're complying with. You know. And what their regulations. And you understand that. You're complying with Cdc. Import rules and regulations and. Your signature and the date that you signed, and then you click, submit, and it's submitted. Once you get that is what you're gonna be showing. Yeah. Either airline or customs, officials. Upon travel. Melissa, do you want to add anything? There. No, I. No, I think that was a really good explanation of that. And. I'm glad we have you, because I will admit to. Given. How convoluted this has been. I thought that you. Had to do the Cdc import form every single time. You came back to the Us. And them. Excuse me if you were like going across the border. You know, between the us. I think that was a recent. I think that might have just been changed today, because. Okay. Okay. I was under the same impression. But there is a there is a line right here that I'm. Can I use the forms? Multiple times? And it says. The receipt can be used for multiple entries into the United States as long as the dog has not been to a high risk country in the past 6 months, so I believe, as of. Okay, yes, that was not there yesterday. It's true. Yeah. Alright. So all what I would like to add then, before we turn it over to Jim, to talk about anything concerning dogs coming back to. Can the us from Canada. Is, that. Be patient with us, because. We are in this with you, and things are constantly changing. So I stated today that the form. Has some accessibility issues. It would not surprise me if. They, the Cdc has become very aware of that. And it wouldn't surprise me if if I or you go back on there and see that there have been some improvements. To that form. I'm gonna be optimistic and believe that that's gonna happen. Because I really think that they want us to to go away. So. That's what I mean by things being in flux. That's the only thing I would add before. Unless, Dr. Quigley, you have anything else before we go ahead and turn things over to to Jim. No, I think that that covers it. On to Jim. Okay. Well, Dr. Quinn, you don't go too far. Now with everything in flux, and what's going on. How. Taking into consideration the new revelations here. How would that impact if somebody from the seeing eye. Like an instructor, had to go to Canada and bring the dog back. Via whether it's for. The dog was going for retraining, or the dog was getting picked up because the they released all back to the Ci. How would that impact a c 9. Employee go and get a dog as opposed to. The graduate just bringing the dog back. Do you understand what I'm saying? There. Alright! So. It's a vast improvement from what it was. I think now the. The instructor could fly to Canada. Upon picking up the dog. The instructor would be able to take the photos and fill out the import form. And. Theoretically be able to travel. As long as he can attest to the fact that the dog has not been to a high risk country in the past 6 months. But wouldn't they also need to? This is Melissa for anyone who. Isn't sure, but when they then also need to. Right. The instructor would also need to have some level of vaccination. About the dog, because they need to be able to test that the dog is vaccinated. Or something. I I think that's the new thing that just happened 20 min before we started. This? Am I understanding that correctly. The. I'm just gonna pull it back up here. He's looking on his computer. From August onward. Entry requirements for dogs from dog rabies free or low risk country. The one form you will need is the Cdc form. If your dog has been only in countries that are dog rabies. Variant, free or low risk. In the 6 months. Before entering the United States. Your dog must appear healthy to enter the Us. Recent Changes. This is Cdc values. Your feedback. Paragraph, and then starting on August entering or returning to the United States. That have been only in dog rabies for your lowest countries in the. Past 6 months must meet the following requirements. Be healthy. And complete. The Cdc import form. I'm gonna throw a question in there. Yeah, I think it's always good to travel with a rabies certificate, especially from state to state, because there can be state requirements, too, and the state requirements haven't changed. So I think it's important to always travel with a Rabi certificate, especially throughout the United States. Just to be clear. Yes. Does. Doesn't the Cdc. Receipt form require a veterinarian to verify. The microchip. It does not. It does not. So that was just the Usda portion. Right. 8. Okay. So it does ease things up quite a bit. So. But and remind me that because I don't have it pulled up that the Cdc form does it have. Does it have? There's a part where you have to say that your dog. No. Is vaccinated, too. Right? Cause I I can't. I can't find cause. We heard something about a verbal attestation, and I don't know where that is. Now. So the 1st part is about the person importing the animal. Second part is animal information. And then section D is the signature, and. You are a testing, so I acknowledge there is additional requirements that must be better at the time of entry for dogs that have been to a high risk country. I understand the Cdcs. The right to request additional documentation, verifying the information upon arrival to the United States. I understand that any false statement made in connection with the application subjects, and I will comply with all applicable Cdc import regulations and requirements. And that's it. Yeah, there's no. Vaccinate portion. Yeah, I think it was the new, the new piece on the website that you were reading that said something about the verbal attest verbal or written attestation. And so I think the question that. I think what's important is that if a dog is returning. To the Us. From Canada, because it's retired. I think it's just really important to make sure that the person who's. Turning the dog over to us, can produce. Yeah. In the case. Can share with us the rabies certificate like, even if it's just a regular old rabies vaccine certificate, so that when we get to the border. If question, we can say yes, this dog's. Vaccination is is current, and then, if not, then I guess we'd have to make arrangements to get the dog vaccinated. I don't know. What you think. Dr. Quigley. No, absolutely. I think there's. There should always be a valid certificate when traveling especially into the United States. You know, state there. There is always state requirements for animal transport. So as long as you have a rabies certificate for a dog you'll you'll meet. The state requirements. So. Timeline on getting that. Form completed. The Cdc form is good for 6 months. Now on getting it completed. So once you submit it, didn't they? Weren't they saying 10 days. No. No, they send a re. You get an email receipt. Immediately. It sounds like you would get a electronic receipt as soon as you submit. Okay. That's my understanding, too. All right, so so. That's just for the Cdc form. The Usda form is a you want that at least. You know, 10 days ahead of time. Today. So so for our listener's sake, we're having these conversations in front of you, because this has changed so much, you know, just. Right. In real time here. So. So. Are we. Yeah. Good to go to QA. For people, everybody. Yeah. I think so. Yep. So Folks the questions today, we want them. Relevant to international travel with guides, and we realize that everybody's passionate about the subject. But please confine the questions to the regulations at this time. And let's not comment about. Guide, dog handlers, rights and such because we're gonna keep working on this and and make this right? Sandy, could you go ahead and tell everybody commands and how to raise hands, and so on. Please. Sure Good afternoon, everyone. So as a reminder alt A is to mute and unmute alt your hand or lower the hand on a cell phone. It's a star 6 to mute and start 9. Of course, star 6 to unmute as well as to mute. And start 9 to raise the hand. We'll take the calls based on the questions. The numbers have been there. So Kristen, I am going to allow you to talk. And you should be able to unmute yourself. Now. Well, thank you. I didn't know my hand was raised. So what a blessing! I actually just got back from Portugal. A couple of months ago, and wrote a little. Story about all the things you're exactly talking about, and the amount of paperwork. Involved. And if you do plan on traveling internationally. There's a lot of planning involved. So to hear all these changes happening literally minute by minute. It kind of freaks me out a little bit about wanting to travel and wondering if this is something that's gonna settle down at all, and we should just wait a little bit. Or just get right to filling out those forms. Thanks. My answer to that would be that there's a lot of people Kristen, who travel for business, who don't have the option of waiting so they're gonna have to go ahead with their lives and do what they've gotta do. Those who are traveling abroad and and looking down, you know, at into the distance. You can start planning and see how things unfold. Here. I guarantee you, we're gonna keep everybody updated. As things arise, because literally, we check the Cdc website daily throughout the day, because we had heard rumblings that there was going to be a change today, but we didn't know when that would be. So. Happenstance as it is. It was just before this this webinar, so So stay tuned. We're gonna keep everybody updated on on what? How things change? Accessibility is something that's a big, you know, something to hang our hat on there. That form should be accessible. Next question, Sandy. Okay. So our next question is, gonna be from Indiana, Deanna Noriega. I'm just. You can unmute yourself now at the end. Great. Here I am. I travelled. Extensively in Mexico, America, South America, and the Caribbean. For business for 6 years, when I ran a small business that was based on. Fairer trade. Craft. Crafted items, handcrafted items. I've dealt with companies for Africa and India. Pakistan. Organizations that were in the fair trade business. So I did have suppliers, but close in I like to go find my own Craft. Producers and look at what they had, and then buy that way. So This. This Health certificate we have to have in the Us. And we should have it whenever we leave the country. It's not that hard when you need to do this for business, to go ahead and do a quick check and see who. Who's in your area is a veterinarian that is. On the list. And qualified. Fortunately. The vet I have here. I only made some personal trips after moving here to Missouri, but she was so. It was not a problem, and while I was. Operating my shop in Colorado Springs. I specifically looked for a vet. That was before choosing my vet, because I knew I was going to be going into an international business situation. And So that is just common sense to go ahead and set up everything in advance. Another tip that I would like to give. Is, that. I had great. Good help missing I in that. If I were traveling to a. Country with a different language. I would get a translated letter. That. Explained what a guide dog was, and why it was to their benefit to let me use my dog in their restaurant hotel. Shop whatever, because it if I was safer then they were not liable, because my dog would keep me from falling downstairs, knocking over a fragile displays. And Therefore their their liability was lower, because he was a professionally trained. And I would use oh, term that they understood. In Mexico. I tried to do the translation, you know. Pedro Gia. Dog that guides. But that. Cost more conversation. Then I wanted to get into. So I chose, which was a term that means. A Guide. You know, just a guide, a fishing guide, a hunting guide, whatever kind of guide that you might have hired somebody to show you around. And that went over very well, and was was. And I sent the letter to the training department. And got the signature of the training manager, and he fixed a fancy sticker, a circular sticker with the seeing eye Logo up at the right hand corner, so it looked like a government. Feel of some kind, and. They work beautifully. Yeah. Hey, Deanna, it's Melissa! I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I just was wondering if you had a question. No, I what I was gonna. Yeah. What I was gonna say was just that. It does pay. To always when you're traveling international, find out what the laws are. And Melissa can help you with some event can help you. With some there are websites you can use, but don't ever go. Assuming that you're covered by American look, because you won't be. Yeah. Well, and and it is important to do your homework right. So we encourage people to. Go to seeing access, or you can go to seeing Iorgacy. Either one works. And then from there you can go to our international page, and that guides you through what you need to do to figure out where you should start. You know, this is not something. Sometimes we get calls from people and they say, I'm going to. I'm just gonna use Portugal since it's been discussed, I'm going to Portugal. What do I need to do. Kind of like. We will just have a little file that says, Oh, for Portugal, you do this. You do this kind of certificate, so on and so forth. Things change a lot. So we just immediately direct people to find a Usda accredited veterinarian to start with. There's a link on on our international travel page to do that. Where you can look for one. And then to look at the Cdc. The Usda travel page on for there's dropdown menus depending on which country you're going to to look at the requirements for your country. So. The Usda accredited vet is always your 1st step, and then that is your other step. To make sure that you are aware of what you need to do, what you need to have. But the point is very well taken. You've got to do your homework. We can help with some things. We cannot do everything for you, and if we could, we would. But we can't. So. We. But we do try to provide the resources. And I just wanted to reiterate that from what Deanna was saying, that Cause she did mention some higher risk areas. You, you still can travel to high risk countries. But there are additional requirements, and as Melissa was saying, you do need to find a Usda accredited vet. So, you know, months before you travel to make sure you start getting everything in order, so that when you do travel you can also get back into the United States. I'm gonna jump in with a couple of questions that. Wound up in the chat. We didn't intend to do that, but that's okay. 1. 1 question is just to be clear. I need a Cdc travel form and international travel form. Where does veteran come into play that is accredited by the Usda? Are you saying my vet might be a Usda accredited veterinarian? And how do I confirm the status of my vet? You wanna do that, Kyle? Sure. So the so not all vets are usda accredited? They choose to be, or choose not to be so you You can either check to see if they are through the Usda website, or you can simply just ask your your veterinarian if they are Usda accredited. To fill out international health certificates. And that's where the Usda accreditation comes into play. So if you are going to a high risk country, or if you're actually, if you're going. Almost anywhere other than Canada. You'll need an international certificate. And that has to be filled out by a Usda accredited. The. The the additional requirements. And endorsed by the Usda. Right. Correct. So this is where, as Dave was mentioning the 10 days be, you know, before. That's that's where all of this comes into play. The Usda accredited. Needs to fill out this form through a Usda website that only Usda accredited veterans have access to. It's submitted electronically. But you will need to receive a paper copy that's endorsed before you can travel. So there has to be enough time for that paperwork to be approved. And then mailed out either via Fedex or. However, and arrive back to you in time for travel. And. To be clear also, cause I know this question's going to come up. The veterinarian filling out those forms. The Usda forms is, gonna charge you for them number one. That's a service they're providing. And we know that can be expensive. We've gotten prices 3 to $800, 300 to 800. But. Right. That person examines the dog and has to confirm the microchips. So a seeing eye veterinarian cannot do that for anyone. It has to be the veterinarian you're using in your home area. Am I correct? Correct, and if you're traveling to a high risk, country additional forms now apply and. The Usda accredited veteran that vaccinated the the dog is also gonna need. To be the one filling out the form, or at the same practice, so. The dog may need a booster depending on You know, the last time your dog was vaccinated, and if that was Usda accredited. So that's you know. Part of starting well in advance is to to give you the time to get all that sorted out. And other than the Cdc. Formally is. Is this any very much different than it used to be? Traveling out of the country to. High risk. The the biggest differences now are getting back into the country. So You'll you'll need the International Health Certificate. Based on the country, the destination country you're going to. So if you were going to, you know, say, England. Their forms. Or Ireland. You're filling out that you're the Usda accredited is filling out the International health certificate for that specific country, making sure everything's in order for you. To arrive safely in that country, and be admitted into the country. And that's not new. That's not new, that's staying the same. I don't know of any other countries that have newer regulations than this. That have you know any recent changes? But the the Us. Changes now affect. The paperwork required to get back into the country. So you'll need the Cdc import form. Everywhere. For every, for no matter where you're coming from. To get into the country. In addition, you'll need additional paperwork if you're coming from a high risk country. All right. We have another one that was in the chat, and it's somebody who came in late. And I think we might have answered some of her questions because she asked Number one, what is the Usda form? So we've gone through that, and it says, I'm interested in us. Canada travel or rabies certificate. It always been required. Is it true that there is no that form required for us. Canada travel now. Correct. Big deal in Canada. National News. Yeah. So, yeah, yeah, it all changed. Fast, but. Yeah. So as of today, the Cdc import form. And then, as always, just make sure you're carrying your rabies certificate information with you. So the big takeaway here is that no matter what country you're coming back from. Whether you're flying or coming by land or sea. That Cdc form receipt is gonna have to be in your hand. So you gotta do the Cdc import form. Which includes the photographs. Right. Yes, regardless of. You're coming from, how you're coming from there to the Us. And you can use it for 6 months as long as you don't go to a high risk country within those 6 months. But so there's and and there appear to be some accessibility issues right now. But we're hoping that those will be ironed out, because then. That will really be sort of a game changer. So if you're somebody lives in Niagara Fall, Niagara. For example, and you are going. To and from your family, or your business, or your relatives, or God forbid! You just want to do some shopping. Because people with guide dogs just like to do normal stuff like anybody else. Then, once you have done your Cdc dog import form, and you have the receipt. As long as you don't go to a high risk country within 6 months. You can use that receipt again to get back home. Show it on your phone. But then, if you either do go to a high risk country within those 6 months. Or. The 6 months are up. Then you gotta do the form again. Yeah. And that applies to all ports of entry. Yep. But you, if you're traveling by air you always wanna check what the airlines as well, just to make sure that if they require the dot form or anything else, that it's all submitted according to their. Policies and procedures. And and and the unfortunate thing is that. And we're going to think positively. But we can't predict. That things are all going to be clear, you know. When the dot forms came out there was a little bit of a lag in terms of training of employees. At airlines, understanding what they were allowed to do and not allowed to do so. It's very possible that that will happen again for a while. So we can tell you what. The regulation is and the developments. What we can't tell you is. We can never predict. How these things are good, whether things are going to be applied, but we can. We can hope that they will be. The the photographs that are. Included. The form. Once you've taken them you should be able to save them and reuse them. If you re up the form you'll still have the photographs. Right. But they do involve multiple people. It is the dog's teeth that you are taking photographs of folks. It's not a beauty shot. This is you exposing the dog's dentition? They want to see the dog's frontal view. So you're lifting their upper lips and pulling their lower lips down to show their front teeth, and then doing a side view as well. 2 different shots. And don't don't get rid of those pictures in your phones once you've got them, or once someone has taken them for you. Okay, this one more question in the chat. And it was about. Oh, yeah. This applying to cruises and ports of call in high risk countries absolutely and we have had many people who cruise. And they need separate forms for every single destination along the cruise, depending upon what. The island destination might ask for we have had some grads. Choose not to take their dog because of that also. Choose not to get a form for a certain destination, because they just agreed to stay on the boat and jump through all the hoops that it takes to get off of a Boat in a certain location, so you should know that. Any other questions in the in there. Mark. And Margie. We? We have Margie and Margie. You can. You can You can unmute yourself now. March 80. Still muted Margie. Maybe we'll get to. So the next one until Margie gets there. I'm muted okay. So Suzanne. Suzanne. Suzanne. You're also muted. You can unmute yourself. Now. You can unmute yourself. Now. Oh! Hi, there! Sorry about that. I've got messed up with a locked computer. My question is about the dog import form and the microchip. Does the microchip number have to appear on that form? And if so, what's the easy way for us to get the microchip number? Do we have to go to our vet? What's the how do you do that? So the microchip numbers gonna be on your health service certificate from us. Okay. Yeah. It's been a couple years since I've been there, so. Yeah. So that's probably the. Easiest way, if you have that either, electronically. I think I hear the phone ringing now. The You know they they so it can always be scanned. So if you're a local bread. So a bed could scan it. Or, Yeah, okay. They can scan it and give you a copy of the number. Yes. But that is required on the import form itself. Okay, okay, I just wanted to make sure we're supposed to fill it out ourselves. And we have to think of that ahead of time. Correct. Yep. Thank you. Okay. Great. Hi! It's Margie! Thank you. Margie, I believe you're already unmuted. Yes, Margie. Thank you. Yeah, thank you so much. Just a comment on the last speaker. I was there 2 years ago, and all my veterinary forms were emailed to me. And it's right at the top, so it's fully accessible. Depending on when you went. I want to thank the 4 of you, and especially I want to thank Dr. Quigley. I'm like 43 year graduate, and I've never seen a vet get on the call with a bunch of graduates. I I really wanna commend you and your dedication. I have a couple quick questions. I understand. The process of my conclusion is, if I'm going on vacation, it's just not worth the pain in the butt to take my dog. But I'm not a work traveler. And I have left the country a couple times, and haven't taken my dog before things got worse. But my question is this. Going back to the 5 0, 8, issue. If I understand. There's a 508 issue with these forms, because these forms would have been contracted out for it to fall under 508, and not 504. Have seeing I taken a stand by writing a letter of complaint, or anything regarding the 5. We? So, Margie we are. I can't go into details. Right. But we are taking. The steps that we are able to take on that, and we will see how things develop. And would thank you for that. And would it be helpful if some of us wrote letters as well. At this point. I think that if you, I think that if you are having a problem with the form. You can go to the Hs website. Right. And file a complaint. Against you. Can you file an office of civil rights complaint against the Cdc. Or you can file a 5 complaint. Well, I actually know the 5 8 Coordinator for health and human services. Actually know. I'm sorry. Okay. I I happen to know the 5 manager for that. That governmental entity. Well, then, I think that there's what you could do. I think that you can reach out to the person. Raise that issue. We we like when people are well connected, and if you'd like to share the contact information of that person with us. That would also be appreciated. So feel free to email it. Thanks Margie. I I will look at that. I will do that. Yeah. The other thing I wanted to ask. And I'm sure we all on this call are feeling quite the same way as. Handlers of seeing eye dogs. It seems like our rights are getting more and more and more eroded. And it seems like our rights are getting eroded due to. People needing to fly with their pets, or buying pets, overseas, or whatever. I'm curious, and I don't even know if this is in the privy of the Idf. But I'm wondering if if it isn't the Privy or the Igdf. And I don't think dogs are around, but I don't know. That our professional organizations. May want to try to take a stand to exempt all guide dogs from Igdf. Certified schools. Yes. We've attempted. We did that. We reached out the International Guide Dog Federation. Did that reached out to the Cdc. Asked for an exemption. Right. So did assistance dogs, international. And I'm on their committee, and I can attest to that. Okay. Those requests have not been honored. Would it do any good? To try to pass Federal legislation. Well, that's that is a that is another conversation. Okay. You and I can have that offline. That I don't think we can have right now. Yeah. Thank you. Thanks. I will go back on mute. I just wanna. Can I mention one thing, Melissa? Sure. Oh, absolutely! So that's great. I've been opening and closing this Cdc import form all day. And. And and now looks different, so. Okay. So. Section A is regarding the person importing the animal. Section B is the animal information. There is no current box for microchip number, but they require a microchip, so I think. That might just be an error on their part. But it might be coming. And now the section C, which is travel, information would not. Load. Before. It's now loading, so it just or land, and then the country of departure and the arrival date. But that did not open previous times. I've opened the form, so just to give everybody a heads up might be. And close. So here's what I'm gonna propose here, folks cause. We're an hour into this. I know there's still people asked to ask questions, but I think we're not gonna have. All the correct answers today, as things are changing. And we will promise you a blast. An email blast to everybody with the with updates as things settle down. And we we get into this more. Don't you agree, Melissa? Absolutely. And I want to. Just I want to be very careful here. And the the concerns that I raised about usability and some accessibility problems with. The import form. I I think that. I will make sure that I say that that was before this webinar. It was like, you know, not. Not after one pm, I really wanna make sure that I am clear. That. What I have said about the issues with the form are the last time I saw it, which wasn't very long ago. But it's changing. Minute by minute. So I also. We'll revisit the form to continue checking into, at least from my perspective. With my scalability. How usable it is. And also we should be testing it on our phones too. Because some people will fill it out on their phone as they're getting ready to cross the border. So. Thank you for that, Dr. Quigley, that it's continuing to change. But yes, we'll we'll do a blast with. With updates for sure, and it might be a few days, because I think we wanna let things settle down a little bit. So so Sandy's asks. Asked that if your questions been answered already in your hands, still up, could you drop that down so we can get a realistic idea of who's in the queue. Sure. And Sandy, give us another call while you're at it, or another question. So Kiran. Kadja. Yep. Right. You can unmute yourself now. So, but the thing is, we have already. May have answered your question through the so through the answers of the other people's questions. So is that has happened. Please just lower your hand. So Kiran. Hi Karen. Feel free. There you go! You got it! Hi! There! Good afternoon. Very quick question. What you've answered. Most of my. Other questions. So the Usda form is only. Is not required only for Canada, as of now. Any other high risk country. I still we still have to do. Or any other low risk, country. I cannot recall. If Mexico was low risk. I still need to go. Other than Canada. The Usda form is still required. Is that correct? So. So wait. Let's back up because you say Usda form. So we're talking about because the Usda does come into play for international travel. So that's why I'm being nitpicky here. But the Cdc import form to come back to the Us. You gotta do, no matter where you're coming from. Correct. High risk, low risk, land, air, see. But I don't think that was. I don't think that was your question. You. You need to check with the country you're traveling to to see what forms they require. Zach. Specifically. Well, you're with your usda vet. Yes. Oh, okay. So the Usda form is only for. Exiting the country. The. The the when you say, okay, so your international health certificate. Your international health export certificate for the country. You're going to. What is needed for that will vary by country, and that is why you wanna connect with a Usda accredited. Veterinarian here to make sure that you meet all of those requirements that that gets filled out. Is sent to the Usda, endorsed by them, and comes back. To you in hard copy before you go to whatever country that is. That has really not. Changed. Got it. Like all of this stuff is just that's new is just about coming back to the Us. And coming from high risk countries. Yeah. There are more hoops than there were before, and I I would have to defer to Dr. Quigley on that part. And they they're. Yeah. So. My question then, is, if it's a low risk country, and I'm coming back from the. Be. Into the Us. From a low risk. Country. I just need the Ctc form. Is that correct? Got it. Correct. And your rabies, information, or anything else required by. You know, if you're taking a flight by the airline if you're coming back from a high risk. And so the Usda has several different types of forms. So there is the International Health Certificate. That is. Required by your destination. But there are additional forms the Usda accredited veterinarian will need to fill out for you to get back into the country. As well so So yeah, there's a couple different forms that'll be needed. All can be taken care of by your Usda. But and then. That hasn't changed from before, though right even before. This regularly. It has changed. So you so say you were traveling. To South America. You would need your international health certificate. Based on which country you're going to but now, if the if. Say you were going to Columbia. I believe Columbia is on this high risk list. High risk. Yeah. Yeah. It is. So to get back into the country. Now you will need. The Usda accredited veterinarian to fill out a form. I see. Got it. That is, stating that your dog was vaccinated in the rate in the United States with rabies that was approved by the Usda, and that form is also filled out online. By the Usda. Accredited. Got it. Okay. Yeah, not by the owner. The Cdc one is the only one that's done by the owner. Thank you. Okay, great, thank you. That's all I had to ask, and I know it's changing every day. So. I'll keep an eye. Thank you. So let's go now to color. That's 15185123517. Number. You can unmute yourself. Now. Hi! It's Mary Beth! I'll make this quick. Thank you so much for having this webinar, and my understanding was that Canada. Always had it. Unlike the Us. Where we have a 3 year certificate that Canada is. One year. Certificate. Erm, and just a question that's still the rule. Am I? Am I right about that? Oh, White Kyle, do you know about that? I. 3 years versus one year in Canada. I got nothing. Yeah, so it's it's so, The duration of arabies. Vaccine is. Decided on by 2 factors. One is the manufacturer of the rabies, vaccine. A lot of them make one year and 3 year vaccines. So you have to have either the one year or 3 year vaccine administered, and then the other thing would be. Good, good. Either the country or state that. Is issuing the rabies, or that the rabies certificate is being made in so some us States don't recognize 3 year vaccines. Canada may have. Their own policy regarding rabies, vaccine only being a 1 year. It. Okay. Okay. But I can't say for sure. Different countries, different regulations. Thank you so much. Thank you. So, yeah, I'm pretty. Oops. I'm sorry I am here now. Thank you, and we'll go to Joy's ipad. Allowing you to speak. This is Joyce Feinberg. My question is. Hi! Joyce! I, Melissa. What about? Us territories like Puerto Rico, the Us. Virgin Islands, whether you're flying or just cruising to. Just those areas. With the Cdc form be required. We've spoken about Canada. But what about us? Territories. I don't think so. That's not. I haven't read that. The Territories. Yeah. Dr. Quigley's searching in real time. I on his computer. Yeah, yeah, go with him. Just because I'm saying that you know that. And and what. That was something I thought would come up, but I thought, Oh, that's easy. No, not for us territories. But we'll defer to the expert on that one. And while he's searching I will give an answer to the last question. But he just wrote in and said that they got a 3 year rabies vaccine in Canada. It might depend on, you know. Provincially. Provincially, and what your veterinarians using, and so on for vaccine. Yeah. You can go on to another question, or whatever, while he's looking it up. Okay. It's. Thanks, Joyce. Okay, great. So we'll get t(012) 675-1545. You can unmute. Now. Got it. Yes, thank you. Hi! This is Kathy Taylor. I have a question. So my husband and I, he and I go to Canada quite often, and. I'm in between dogs right now, but this could affect others too. We have nexus. So to go through the past lanes. And so have you? And any of the things you've read. In terms of going back and forth between Canada. I guess one could call the Canadian border people and ask them this. But I'm just curious if you've seen any. Thing, about whether. Gasoline kind of fast access to get through the border crowd. Erm. Can they handle. These these forms, or do you do? You have to go through the slow boat lanes. I think we're gonna find out. I don't think there's an answer to that yet. Yeah. I don't know the answer either. I haven't seen it. I think you're gonna have to try and report back to us. Yeah. Well, I need to get another dog soon. But yeah, but yeah, I was hoping that maybe I can call and find out and let you know. Actually, I it just may. That might be best, because I don't think the regulation really addresses that. I think it's just about. How the Cbc people are gonna decide to apply at that aspect of it. Thank you. Okay. Sounds good. Alright! Thank you so much. Okay. Quincy, you are allowed to. Now unmute. Okay, my question is very quick as well. So I have dual citizenship between Canada and the Us. And I'm wondering when traveling. Back and forth, obviously like for the importation form. Is it better to put the Us. Passport number, or the Canadian? Or does it matter, or do we know? Yet. I think it matters, I think, because you have some choices. You can either put your passport number or you can put your driver's license number. You know. I I was. Playing around and tried putting my state id number in there. So I would argue that it doesn't matter. You have 2 valid passports, and I think you could put either number. Thanks, that's all. Great. Thank you, Quincy. Okay, we're going now to 1, 2. Unless Dr. Quigley found the answer. I just I did find. So Wam and Hawaii have additional requirements. Local requirements. So you want to check. Hawaii and Guam. If you're traveling there. As far as Puerto Rico. I've. I have not found anything as far as additional. Puerto Rico doesn't have, to. My knowledge, doesn't have any to go there, but I think. Unless I am sorry if I'm overstepping. I think the questions sounded like it was. Right to get back. Coming back here. I haven't seen anything. Specific to Puerto Rico. I didn't either, when I was looking through all this, because that was a question I had too. Okay. So 1, 2, 0, 6, 7, 5, 1. You can unmute yourself. Now. I guess. There you go! So that's. Okay, we can hear you. Yeah, this is Kathy Taylor. I already. This is Kathy Taylor. Can you hear me? Yes. Yes. Okay, I think I just you already answered my question so you can ignore me. Okay, great, thank you. So we thank you. Kathy. Thank you. Okay, Rick. Rick Blair. Hi! This is Rick Blair calling. Hey! Rick. Hey? How you doing. Good. We haven't spoken at all. Oh, yeah. Rick never travels internationally. Just kidding. I I frequently travel internationally, and I will tell people that almost 90 to 95% of the time the I'm stopped in customs coming back into the Us. Asking for the rabies certificate that's been going on for at least the last 5 or 6 years. So I I always just have my rabies certificate in the pouch on my dog's harness. So I always have it present, and you can do the same with some of these other. Forms, and the seeing eye sells one of those pouches. Sorry for the plug. My question. Someone earlier mentioned the fact that my vet can electronically submit the health certificate form. And the last time I traveled. Was only in April to France. And my vet still had to submit it via paper with the slow, you know, basically via mail, and then, you know, get it back by a mail. So is that new that they're gonna be able to electronically submit it. Yes, the whole Electronic submission site is is fairly new. They're getting away from the the paper documents, but. Depending on the destination country. There may be paper documents that have to be uploaded into the electronic system and then. Again. They. Once it's submitted. Electronically, they. They have to print it, emboss it, sign it, and then mail it to. That extra amount of time is still. Still needed. Right. Well and and extra expense, because you're paying for fast delivery because they need it within the 10. In the Fedex label, yeah. Yeah, I know Fedex gets rich. But. Oh, I'm glad that you know that, at least by electronically submitting. I'll you know, test that next time I go to France or Germany, or somewhere in Europe. Absolutely. So cool. Thank you very much. Might cut down a little bit of the time. As far as the submissions. Thank you. Rick. We're coming out to Crystal. Hello! This is crystal. Hi. I have a quick one. Krista. I have a quick question. I am a Canadian. So I understand I have to tell the Cdc form. If I'm going into the United States correct. Correct. Yes. Okay, if I'm coming. If I'm going to another country from Canada and returning to Canada, I do not have to fill the Cdc form. Correct. Alright, that was my question. Thank you very much. Thank you. Welcome! Thank you. Crystal. Jonathan. Jonathan. You can unmute. Now. There you go! You're right. Jonathan. We were able to hear you for a few seconds. I don't think he's. Okay, well, can leave you that way. And we're going out to Victoria Post. Victoria. Hey! Vicki. Okay. Yeah, hey? It's not. I'm not sure this is unmuting. We hear ya. Okay. Yes, you! We can hear you. Thank you. Thank you. Quick question. If I'm going to several EU countries. Can I fill out the dog, import form ahead of time, or do I have to fill it out when I'm in the country that I'm departing from. Kyle. You can fill it out from the country. You're departing from. I. I don't know. I don't know if they have any way of knowing. You. I just wondered if I could do it before I left here. Well, this is easier. You could, as long as you know exactly when you're arriving, in which country you're coming in from the only. Yeah. You know, if you are going to a high risk country, it changes everything. Sure. Sure. Yeah. But in this case I'm not. But. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Okay. I was just hoping to avoid having to do. Fair. You just have to know that if you change your travel plans at all, and you end up arriving on a on a like, your flight gets cancelled, or you decide. You're gonna switch it up and come in a different day. Then you would have to do it again. Yep. Thanks. Victoria! Jonathan, we're gonna try it one more time. Oh, there you are, perfect! Jonathan. Guess not. I thought I heard him. He's coming and going. Yeah, so, Blaine, we moved back to you. Lane. I you can unmute yourself. And we only have one more question after this. Hey, Blaine. Hey? Everyone. So. With the picture part of it, so they want to see my dog's front teeth. And then you said the side is at his head, or. Keith. What exactly are they looking for? Teeth! It's 10 to yeah. Go ahead, Kyle. Sorry. Oh, no. Yeah. Just. Saying the same thing, that the. They're looking at the the teeth. So the the dentition from the front and from the side. Sides. Okay. Yeah. And that's uploaded. And how clear do you think the description is? Dr. Quigley? You know, I've read a lot about photos of your dog, but it seems to me that. Does the Cdc website. That changes every 2 seconds, describe in more detail. It. So that if you're not so that if you're like using a screen, reader, and you're not looking at the pictures. Right. It's. I don't think there's any alt text with those. It's it doesn't do as good a job if you're visually impaired, it is. It is a 2 photograph showing you what they want to see, and I don't know that there's a lot of description, but they want a front and a side view. And it's. Yeah of the teeth. That's changed. Am I right, Kyle? It's interesting. I'm not able to. I'm seeing 920 right there, and that will now be used. I'm not. Oh, here we go! You're jumping off, and we'll lower your app than 8 seconds. So, Jonathan, we can hear you now. Hi, you can hear me now. Yeah, I'm like, guess the vacuum hit the cord on the back of the computer kind of ripped it out. I had to reconnected. Sorry about that. And and I'm just gonna say, thank you, Blaine. I'm I'm just move you out. Thank you. Okay, Jonathan, you're up. Yeah. Great. Thank you. 1st of all, great presentation. Give me a lot to think about. One comment, and then a comment would be. Given the fact that we got the Cdc. The Usda. And. Airlines involved. I found in the past that you know. If you ask. 2 people you get. 6 or 8 different answers on what it could be. So there's a lot of. Perhaps Stuff in motion as you as you did. I would dare to say it'd be probably good to triangulate the information if if there's any questions. To reach out to the To the Consulate General of the respective country that you were doing, and they'll definitely know. The requirements on the visiting countryside as well. That probably be good. Information, to have. My question to you with with. I was a little shocked to hear. About the need for airway bills or by sea. I'm sure it will be like a. A bill of lading an ocean bill of lading, or something. Yeah. Which is usually associated with cargo. And I. Once, when I lived in Singapore, I brought our dog home. This is a many years ago. But I had to get a 3rd party company to arrange. Created. You're bringing them back. And he flew in the cargo section of the airplane. And he was quarantined when he came to the United States. Do you think there's any chance of the dog being. The guide dog being quarantined. Upon return to the. So. So what I would say to that is 2 things, one As of today. We learned that airlines are allowed to apply for, and I believe I don't know. That's a good question about. Cruise ships and cruise lines about whether they can apply, but there is at least for airlines and. Available that they can apply for to not do the airway bill. So that that won't be an issue. Okay. But your dog's not gonna fly. We we would never advise anyone to fly their dog in cargo and. There's not been any indication. That the dogs would be quarantined for any reason. As a result of this, I don't know if you disagree with that, or have thoughts on that Dr. Quigley. These forms, are are. Okay. So that the dog does not have to be quarantined. If you were to arrive from a high risk country without the correct paperwork, that would be a risk. And the dog could be quarantined at. You know the Cdc. Quarantine. Site of of their choice. So all of these forms are designed to. So that. The dog can be, can enter the country safely and not have to be quarantined. That's good to know. Yeah, that was a traumatic experience for my dog. But this was a number of years ago, and. I am. Okay. I swear he was never quite the same after being quarantined for a couple of weeks, so. Yeah, we don't have to. Yeah. That's a lot. We're sorry that happened to you for sharing your. Edit. Anyhow, thanks for your guidance. I appreciate it. Okay. I just. Have a good one. Saying that you just like Dave and Melissa, already mentioned, too, is that this. Cdc import form is definitely in in a state of. Of change On! The Cdc website talks about the photos of the dog. And. And saying that it's showing the face and body, although the you know. Demonstration that the. The examples were up, the teeth and the dentition. It says that you have to make sure to enter your dog's microchip number accurately on the form right now. The Cdc form does not have a place to enter the microchip number or place to upload the photograph. So I think they're they're making changes. And I'm sure there's gonna be some changes before August So. Hopefully, This all gets ironed out in in the near future. And. Wow! Terrific. Terrific. As Dave was saying, there there could be a an update and. The coming weeks. Okay. And our last question for today is from Atlanta. You can unmute yourself now. Hi! There! Dave, Melissa, Jim, and Dr. Quigley Kyle. Thank you so much. It's Melina from Nova Scotia. There! Hi. Hey! Thanks so much for doing this. My heart goes out to all the hard work you guys always do for our and our seeing eye dog protections. I, I basically have a question on the rabies itself. Actually, more pertaining to doctor quickly. There. The the dog specific one. If I've misheard you forgive me. The Us. Has eliminated you, said dog specific rabies. Is there a number now showing that this specific rabies has come back in. And and it is spreading. I'm curious. I believe this is. Just for that, and then I do have a and I do have another quick question. After that. Sure. Pretend to rabies. I believe this is all in an effort to make sure that the dog's variant does not get a foothold again in the United States. To my understanding, it is still considered eliminated from the country, and this is to make sure it does not Start spreading in the country. So. There's other, I mean, there's fox rabies. In certain parts of the Southwest there's bad rabies almost everywhere in the country. I believe it's skunk rabies in the. In the west, and raccoon rabies on the east, but. But as far as that, that variant of rabies, it's it's been eliminated from the Us. And this is all in an effort to make sure it doesn't come back. Understood. Okay? And then, fatal. Your words were fatal to dog and human have bitten by this specific. Correct. Okay. And last, but not least, Just out of curiosity. Now, coming into Canada, we have a lot of dogs being imported from Texas. I've I'm acquainted with some people I kind of don't want to go there, and heartwarms. Yeah. Making its way over from the dogs from Texas, you know. And a lot of the dogs. Coming into text or coming from the high risk. Countries, as you have mentioned on this webinar today. You know ours. I guess you don't. If you don't have the numbers. Are we risking. Cause. I'm pretty sure Canada is probably gonna follow with something as well. You know. Are we risking bringing in these dogs from parts of the States? Well. That are traveling via one country to, you know. Well starting. August No dog under 6 months of age. Can come into the United States. And then, no dog coming in from a high risk country can come in without the additional documentation and paperwork. So I think it'll be a lot safer for the dogs. That end up in the United States. To, then. Travel on to Canada. So I think. It. It should improve as far as heartwarm disease that that's always a risk. And there's certain ways that organizations can can mitigate the the risk of heart disease coming to their area. But Yeah, that would. To be a conversation, for there. Veterinarian. Great, and the reason. I I just wanna add a little bit of levity here to this very distressing, serious topic that we've not distressing, but intense and. Fluctuating topic. My favorite question that I got from. One of our graduates. No. Spoke to me about the deregulations are, what are we gonna do about the foxes running across the border? And I said nothing. We're not talking about fox variant rabies, and last I checked. They don't have a lot of paperwork on them, so I I just. I just thought I'd throw that out there, for everyone's. Quite, quite, quite enjoy that, Melissa and I just wanted to. To to say that the reason I asked that question is, you know we. As as in the Us. We, you know we do have a. Dog attacks. So I'm always, you know, on the lookout, for who's got a dog from where. Yeah. That is not a. Probably accredited, and that was the reason for asking that question. Thank you very much. And of my thoughts I wish everybody the best, and we're just gonna hold still here and. Wait for the travel. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I know we've cleaned out the queue on questions, but there was one in the chat, and there was a question about what do they mean by markings on on the form. They're asking if your dog has anything special for marking like a white spot on its chest. Or. You know, if it's disabled, German has a black face, you could say Th, that's a marking. It's got a black face, or whatever, or you have a yellow lab with a white spot on a chest, or a black lab with a white spot on the chest. That's what they want to know with markings, that's all. Okay. So I think that will do it for us folks. We'll call this a wrap, and. This will be available on our website towards the end of the week, and expect to see a blast from us. With an update. I hope it's only one update when this settles down. But. There's more to come, I'm sure. And also know that if by the time you get the recording it is. Yep. Yeah. Out of date. Remember this. It was recorded on July 20, second, from 3 to 4 30 Pm. So if you find anything in this webinar that seems inaccurate to you. Know that we, of course, are human, and this has been developing very quickly, but also know that it might have changed by the time you listen to the webinar. Alright! Thanks everybody, and thanks for joining us, and have a great day.