Become a Sponsor

4th Annual St. Francis of Assisi Spirit Award Gala - Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation has been a pillar in our community for decades, generously investing in people and lifting them to a new place they never dreamed possible. Through their generous support, St. Francis Healthcare System and many other nonprofit organizations throughout our islands have been able to transform the lives of Hawaii residents and create healthier, vibrant, flourishing communities.

We invite you to join us as a sponsor, as we honor The Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation through our 4th Annual St. Francis of Assisi Spirit Award virtual wine gala on Saturday, July 24, 2021. With your sponsorship, 10 meals are included which will be delivered to the doorsteps of your guests, along with other benefits shared below.

A virtual presentation will be provided – sharing insights of the impactful life of Clarence T.C. Ching and his remarkable accomplishments and deep compassion for people and communities. Throughout the presentation, enjoy the melodic entertainment of Mark Yamanaka, 14-time Na Hoku Hanohano Award recipient.

All proceeds will support patients and families in the St. Francis Healthcare system’s programs and services and towards ongoing support for our pandemic response programs to meet the needs of our community. 

To secure your sponsorship, please scroll down to submit online, OR download our packetAdobe PDF and return the commitment form via email or mail by Thursday, June 10, 2021. Mahalo!

Recognition and Benefits


Saint Marianne Cope

Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Clare of Assisi

Saint Anthony of Padua







Number of guests with hosted parking






Number of guests for Healthcare Heroes table with hosted parking. "Sponsor by" recognition on table.




10 at a

10 at a

Recognition on event webpage and printed program booklet






Franciscan CARE Plus Coordination for organization’s employees ( read more Adobe PDF )






Ad in program booklet
RSVP no later than Friday, June 10th to receive this benefit

Full Page

Half Page 

Half Page 

 Half Page


Airtime during "Talk Story" show aired on June 26 with encore airing on July 6th.
Does not include production of spot. RSVP no later than Friday, June 10th.

30 second spot

30 second spot 

 30 second spot



Company logo featured in event video presentation






Special acknowledgment during event






Strategic Planning & Consulting with Osorio Group LLC ( read more Adobe PDF ) 






Yes! Count our company in for the 2021 Wine Gala honoring The Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation.

Field Is Required Secure your sponsorship today by selecting a level:

Meal Benefits

As described in our benefits table, each sponsorship receives ten (10) meals. We will request the names and email addresses for your ten guests who will be receiving a meal. You may submit the information now if you have it.

In a few weeks, we will contact each guest for their meal delivery information. If your preference is to decline the following benefits, please click the respective boxes: 

Billing Information

Payment Information

Credit Card Information:

Credit Card Type:
  • Visa
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
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