2022 Variety BC Show of Hearts Telethon

Bianca Fusco Zanatta

Dear friends and family,

I've joined Variety's Gold Panel as part of their 56th Annual Show of Hearts Telethon, and would love your support!

Like you, I believe that children should have access to life-enriching education and experiences. Variety's Sunshine Coach program helps make that possible.

We are fundraising to provide a Sunshine Coach to Gitzsan Nation located in Northern BC near Hazelton. The Gitwangak Education Society administers school and curricular development for several schools in the nation including:

  • Wilp Si Wilaxsinsxwhl Simgigyet School - the first Gitksan Immersion School in the province which also serves the Gitwangak Aboriginal Headstart program and is home to Wo’umxhl Simalgyex Daycare
  • Gitwangak Elementary School 

The 24-passenger Sunshine Coach we are fundraising for will provide safe and reliable transportation for students to get to school and daycare. They currently have an 8-passenger van, but their program is quickly expanding to support other communities nearby.

The kids' diagnoses range from FASD to mental health disorders; most kids in the community do not attend high school. This coach will ensure there is one less barrier for these kids to get to school and reach their fullest potential in life.

These schools are the backbone of support for kids in these communities.

Please join my team to begin raising funds with your loved ones for this noble cause. To have your name recognized on a Sunshine Coach, please consider making a minimum donation of $1047 by clicking "Donate Now" on this page. 

Together, we can make a meaningful impact in this region!

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