COTS Walk 2023

Talentino Family

COTS is Vermont's largest provider of services for Vermonters who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or marginally housed. The focus at COTS is on finding solutions to END homelessness — not simply creating shelters for people who are experiencing homelessness. 

Bill Talentino was a ten-year volunteer at COTS when we lived in Burlington, and we are very familiar with the great work that COTS does in the community.  Karen participated with several groups of people from Saint Michael's College over the years, and knows that the college has also been a long-term supporter of COTS. COTS makes a difference in the lives of people every day who don't know where to turn with their housing challenges.  

Even though we no longer live in Vermont, our family still supports COTS because we believe in what they are doing.  It is a unique organization that works efficiently with a dedicated staff and many wonderful volunteers.  

Please consider supporting us in this important project by making a contribution; whatever you can give will help others. Thanks to the Walk sponsors, EVERY DOLLAR raised through the COTS Walk supports shelter and services for families and individuals in crisis.

You can write a check made out to COTS, give cash, or donate through this page right now! The process is fast, easy and secure. If you would prefer, you can send your contribution to the address listed below.

PO Box 1616
Burlington, VT 05402

Make checks payable to COTS.

Whatever you can give will help – it all adds up! Thank you again for considering a gift of support!

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