On March 1 2019, I suffered a stroke. It was like any other day, I dropped the kids off at school and went to the gym, something I had done for the last two decades. I was a (relatively) young , fit mother of 3 who was passionate about all things fitness, nutrition and wellness. After my workout, I developed a severe headache, dizziness and blurred vision. Within about 20 minutes I lost my speech, my mobility and vision on my left side. And then I lost consciousness. Luckily, my husband knew the signs of stroke and carried me into the ER screaming “ she is having a stroke!” How this IT sales guy knew that is beyond us but his lifeguard training kicked in and he got his “ save” for the year. After a hospital stay, weeks of medical appointments and too many procedures to name, I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease where my body forms blood clots. Today, I take medication, check my blood weekly and am followed closely by my doctors at Mass General (amazing group ps). I take care of myself and my body.
Today, I wake up grateful every. Single. day.
See, I was lucky. We knew the signs of a stroke and I got medical care right away. I had a husband who could flex his work and cancel travel, sisters who could drive me to appointments, a mother who could move in for a month and friends who cooked for us. Not everyone is so lucky. People who suffer a stroke often suffer permanent disability, they lose their jobs, their partners lose their jobs, worse; they lose their lives. This is real. This is not lost on me. Every 40 seconds, someone in the US has a stroke.
Tedy’s Team is committed to raising stroke awareness, saving lives and giving survivors a chance at a comeback. Tedy’s Team has been a life saver for me; it gave me hope and purpose in the hard days and weeks post stroke. I have met the most inspiring and generous people of my life. Tedy’s Team has become a family of sorts and one I never knew I needed.
Since my stroke and with your support , we have raised almost $35,000 for Tedy’s Team to raise awareness of stroke and provide an opportunity for survivors to have a comeback. Tedy's Team recently founded the Center for Excellence at Mass General Hospital and we are just getting started. There's more to do and I need your help. On October 13, 2024 Ill run the Chicago Marathon as a way to raise awareness around stroke and continue to raise funds .
Please support me in any way you can and please pass my story along. I need your support, your good vibes and your money:) All proceeds go directly to the cause, there is no overhead. Read that again. And every little bit helps!
The mission of Tedy's Team is to raise awareness for stroke and heart disease while supporting survivors on their journey, giving them a means for a comeback!
Tedy's Team was originally founded in 2005, when Tedy Bruschi, former linebacker for the New England Patriots suffered a stroke shortly after winning his 3rd Super Bowl and just days after returning from his first Pro Bowl.
Tedy's Team participates in the Boston Marathon, Falmouth Road Race, and this year's travel event is Duke City Race Weekend in New Mexico!
We are honored to be part of the Offical Charity Program of the Boston Marathon and the Numbers for NonProfits Program at the New Balance Falmouth Road Race for 15 years. The Boston Athletic Association and the NBFRR have allowed us to utilize their platforms to elevate the awarenss of the warning signs of stroke, which are best remembered by using the acronym BE FAST, which stands for:
- Balance Difficulties
- Eyesight Changes
- Face Drooping
- Arm Weakness
- Speech Difficulties - and if you notice any of those warning signs, it's...
- TIME TO CALL 9-1-1.
Should you every have any questions about your donation, please reach out to
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