Katherine Tolman's Page
Hi Friends and Family!
I'm so excited to share that I will be running the NYC marathon on November 3rd, 2024 for Tedy Bruschi's team, raising money and awareness for stroke and heart disease while supporting survivors on their journey, giving them a means for a comeback. More information about Tedy's mission is below! Thank you so much in advance for your support.
Love, Katherine
Tedy's Team was originally founded in 2005, when Tedy Bruschi, former linebacker for the New England Patriots suffered a stroke shortly after winning his 3rd Super Bowl and just days after returning from his first Pro Bowl. to learn more about who we are, please see our website, www.tedysteam.org.
New York Road Runners has allowed us to utilize their platform to elevate the awareness of the warning signs of stroke, which are best remembered by using the acronym BE FAST, which stands for:
- Balance Difficulties
- Eyesight Changes
- Face Drooping
- Arm Weakness
- Speech Difficulties - and if you notice any of those warning signs, it's...
- TIME TO CALL 9-1-1.
Should you ever have any questions about your donation, please reach out to Elizabeth@TedysTeam.org.
Donations to Tedy's Team are non-refundable and fully tax deductible.
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