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Urgent Reminder: Nursing Home Residents Need Your Help. Keep the Minimum Staffing Standard!

Nursing home residents need your help! Any day now, Congress will be considering legislation and a joint resolution that would prevent the implementation of the recently issued minimum staffing standard in nursing homes. This extreme legislation would not only prevent the implementation of this rule, but would permanently bar the federal government from ever issuing a rule requiring safe staffing in nursing homes.

Since the staffing rule was proposed by the Biden Administration, the nursing home industry has been spending millions of dollars to oppose its implementation. They are not giving up.

The final rule issued by the Biden Administration is a modest staffing standard, that would affect mostly the worst homes in the United States. The rule is targeted at those homes that provide the least amount of care. Additionally, the rule requires that there be increased transparency in Medicaid spending and that nursing homes use evidence-based, data driven methods to assess the needs of their residents. The extreme legislation in Congress would stop these needed reforms and prevent the federal government from ever issuing a similar rule.

Please stand with nursing home residents and workers. If you have not already, tell your members of Congress to reject these efforts to prevent the implementation of the minimum staffing rule in nursing homes.


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative


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Dear [Decision Maker],

As a constituent, I am writing to ask you to oppose HJ Res. 139, H.R. 7513, S.3410, and any other effort to prevent the implementation of a minimum staffing standard in nursing homes.

As you are aware, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently published a final rule requiring that all residents receive a minimum amount of direct care each day. This rule is the most significant increase in protections for nursing home residents in decades. However, some members of Congress have introduced legislation and a joint resolution that would not only bar the implementation of the rule but prevent CMS from ever issuing a rule on staffing. We cannot let this protection be removed from nursing home residents.

The final rule was issued after a rigorous regulatory process, including a request for information, a staffing study, and a thorough comment period. Congress should not step in at the last minute and permanently prevent such important protections from going into effect.

Stand with nursing home residents, their families, and nursing home workers and reject any efforts to prevent the implementation of the minimum staffing rule.

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