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May 18, 2021

In this Issue:

  1. Nursing Home Visitation and Quarantine: FAQs & Advocacy Strategies for Families
  2. 2020 Consumer Voice Annual Report
  3. Materials Available from NORC Webinar on Successful Communication During COVID-19
  4. CMS Issues Guidance on How States Can Received Enhanced Funding for Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services
  5. Tools & Tips for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in June

Nursing Home Visitation and Quarantine: FAQs & Advocacy Strategies for Families

In March 2021, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) revised their visitation guidance based on the high COVID-19 vaccination rates of nursing home residents.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also updated their guidance in March and again in April regarding when long-term care facility residents are required to quarantine.

Despite these changes, many families still have questions and concerns relating to visitation and quarantine. This new document reviews some of the most frequent questions we are asked by family members. Our responses are based on the CMS and CDC guidance and show how the guidance can be used to help families advocate for their loved ones.

The document also includes general advocacy strategies and tips if the facility is not following the guidance or is denying residents’ rights.

Read the FAQs

2020 Consumer Voice Annual Report

2020 Annual ReportDuring 2020, Consumer Voice steadfastly focused on the issues that most urgently affected residents’ health, safety, rights, and quality of life due to COVID while also looking toward advocacy goals after COVID.

Read the 2020 Annual Report to learn more about our programs and advocacy.

Materials Available from NORC Webinar on Successful Communication During COVID-19

Materials are available from the second webinar in the series from the National Long-Term Care Ombudsmen Resource Center (NORC) - COVID-19 Recovery & Reentry TA Open Dialogues. The most recent webinar focused on Successful Communication During COVID-19.  Join NORC for the final webinar in the series on Successful Complaint Investigation and Resolution During COVID-19.  This webinar will explore how Ombudsman programs have successfully advocated with and for residents, despite in-person visitation restrictions and other barriers.

Find materials for all webinars in the series on NORC's website.

Register for the final webinar on May 25.

CMS Issues Guidance on How States Can Receive Enhanced Funding for Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is issuing guidance today on how states can receive enhanced funding, provided through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, to increase access to home and community based services (HCBS) for Medicaid beneficiaries. These benefits provide critical services to millions of older adults and individuals with disabilities, allowing them to receive health services in their homes and communities, rather than in nursing homes and other institutions. The guidance will assist states in leveraging federal resources to increase health equity in Medicaid beneficiaries’ access to HCBS, positive health outcomes, and community integration.

Read the press release.

Tools & Tips for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in June

WEAAD_rgb.jpgWorld Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is June 15th.  The purpose of WEAAD is to provide an opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect of older persons by raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic, and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and neglect. 

Visit the USC Center for Elder Justice's WEAAD website for tools and tips including activity ideas, promotional materials, resources, and information on their virtual awareness walk, Walk for WEAAD.


HandsTribute to Those Impacted by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent visitation ban have resulted in tens of thousands of residents suffering and dying from isolation, loneliness, and poor care. To honor those who have been affected, and remember those we have lost during the pandemic, we have put together a Tribute webpage featuring the names, photos, and stories of those impacted.  If you would like your loved one honored or remembered on this page, please email their name, photo and any information you would like included to

See the COVID-19 Tribute Page
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