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May 23, 2023

In this Issue:

  1. Senate Special Committee on Aging Report: Nursing Home Survey Agencies are Severely Understaffed
  2. New Issue of The Resident Advocate Newsletter
  3. Promote and Participate in Events Leading Up to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
  4. National Advisory Committee on Seniors and Disasters Public Meeting Thursday

Senate Special Committee on Aging Report: Nursing Home Survey Agencies are Severely Understaffed

Last week, the Senate Special Committee on Aging, led by Chairman Bob Casey, released a new report, “Uninspected and Neglected: Nursing Home Agencies are Severely Understaffed, Putting Residents at Risk.”  The report details a nationwide staffing crisis at state survey agencies that is directly impacting the health and well-being of nursing home residents. In addition, the Senate Special Committee on Aging held a hearing on the issue, at which State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Leah McMahon testified regarding how inadequate staffing at state survey agencies is impacting resident care in Colorado.

The Committee’s report made several recommendations, including:

  • Increased funding from Congress. Funding for state survey agencies has been flat for years, despite calls for increases from both Presidents Trump and Biden.
  • Congress and state governments should take action to support state surveyors, including providing educational opportunities and mental health support.
  • Congress should increase funding for State Long-Term Care Ombudsman programs. The report relies heavily on input from Ombudsman program representatives and notes their critical role in advocating on behalf of residents and calls for increased funding for these critical programs.

Read more.

New Issue of The Resident Advocate Newsletter

spring-2023-resident-advocate.PNGThe Spring 2023 issue of The Resident Advocate is now available. This newsletter, specifically for residents of long-term care facilities, provides information on residents' rights and care issues; news and updates on national policy; and self-advocacy tips for obtaining person-centered, quality care.

This issue includes information on:

  • What the end of the federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) means for long-term care residents,
  • Staffing issues in long-term care and how you can advocate for change, and
  • Participating in this year’s Residents’ Rights Month.

The Resident Advocate is a great resource to share with long-term care residents. Nursing home staff, long-term care Ombudsman programs, family members, and other advocates are encouraged to forward this newsletter to residents or print and share copies. Download this issue or past issues from our website.

Read the Spring 2023 Resident Advocate.

Promote and Participate in Events Leading Up to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

WEAADWorld Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is June 15.  Participate in the event through these activities:

Find more promotional materials for WEAAD on the website.

National Advisory Committee on Seniors and Disasters Public Meeting Thursday

The next public meeting of the National Advisory Committee on Seniors and Disasters (NACSD) will take place Thursday, May 25, 2023 1:00pm to 3:00pm ET.  NACSD members will discuss, finalize, and vote on an initial set of recommendations to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary and the Administration for Strategic Preparedness & Response (ASPR) regarding recommendations focusing on community readiness, infrastructure, and behavioral health. One recommendation includes expanding the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program with dedicated resources and additional employees to advocate for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery planning (page 6).

Members of the public and expert stakeholders are invited to virtually participate in the meeting as observers.

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