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Study Shows Mortality Rate for Nursing Home Residents Higher Than Pre-Pandemic Levels Through 2023
A recent article in the Heath Affairs Scholar found that mortality rates among nursing home residents remained above pre-pandemic levels through the end of 2023.  While COVID-19 was the significant driver of increased mortality since the beginning of the pandemic, the authors noted the difficulty of determining mortality causes, and instead focused on mortality from all-causes. The mortality rate per 100,000 residents was 5,692 in December 2020, when COVID-19 was taking its greatest toll on nursing home residents, according to the new article. The authors compared this to the pre-pandemic mortality rate trend, which they estimated would have been roughly 3,500 per 100,000, in December 2020, should COVID-19 not occurred. In November 2023, the mortality rate for nursing home residents was 4,000 per 100,000 residents, still roughly 500 more residents per month, when compared to pre-pandemic trends.  In sum, more residents were dying monthly in late 2023 than pre-pandemic mortality trends.

Unfortunately, these elevated numbers are likely partly attributable to dismally low COVID-19 vaccination rates among nursing home residents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Nursing Home COVID-19 Vaccination Data Dashboard shows that only 32% of nursing home residents are up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations.  The nursing home staff rate is even lower, with only 7% of staff being up to date with their vaccines.

While much of the country may have moved on from COVID-19, it is critical that we remain vigilant when it comes to nursing home residents. All residents should be provided with an opportunity to be vaccinated. Nursing homes should educate both residents and workers regarding the dangers of COVID-19. Federal and state governments must emphasize and facilitate COVID-19 vaccinations.

For more information on practical steps to reduce infection risks in nursing homes and best practices in keeping residents safe during respiratory seasons, listen to our recent podcast with a CDC expert.  Additionally, the CDC website includes a range of resources regarding infection prevention for nursing home residents, families, and providers.

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