Study Finds Nursing Homes Underreport Pressure Injuries A University of Chicago study has found that nursing home operators have underreported the number of pressure injuries in Medicare residents by as much as 40%. The study, published in Medical Care, compared resident-level data used for Nursing Home Compare ratings to patient-level hospital admission data and skilled nursing facility claims for Medicare beneficiaries. Researchers found that between 2011 and 2017, nursing homes self-reported only 59.7% of hospitalized pressure injuries.
On Care Compare, overall star ratings and category-specific ratings for nursing homes are derived from a combination of self-reported measures taken from the Minimum Data Set (MDS) and health inspections.
Consumer Voice has long criticized the problems with using self-reported data in the nursing home rating process. The University of Chicago's study, along with their previous study on nursing homes' underreporting of fall severity, provide important insight into the inaccuracies of self-reported data.
Learn more in the article from McKnight's.