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Training for Ombudsman staff and volunteers is critical for maintaining an effective long-term care Ombudsman program. The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center develops and collects materials and information that enhance and strengthen the training of paid and volunteer Ombudsman program representatives.

Review the January 2019 NORC Notes for additional links and information related to training, including adult learning techniques, sample training agendas, training videos, training topics, role play topics, and online training.

The training materials below have been either developed by the Center or have been shared with the Center by Ombudsman programs.

Training Materials Created by NORC

The training materials on this page are organized by topic and include:

NEW! Residents' Rights Education Materials

NORC and Consumer Voice published new consumer education materials regarding nursing home residents' rights.

Ombudsman programs can use these training materials as a toolkit for community education; training for Resident and Family councils; training for facility staff; and initial training for Ombudsman program staff and volunteers. The materials include a video with a voiceover, clickable presentation without the voiceover, script, PowerPoint for consumer education, PowerPoint for in-service training, and a fact sheet.

On-Demand Training Center

This on-demand education platform is a learning center for all individuals interested in achieving quality long-term care and is available through your computer or mobile device. The training center allows you to delve into important topics through online courses. Courses are available for consumers, representatives of long-term care Ombudsman programs, advocates, and family members. Share information about the Training Center using this flyer.

NORC Trainings & Webinars (Materials and Recordings)

This page includes titles and links from every NORC webinar and conference call through 2009. Click on the year to access each training held that year.

Training Materials Created by Ombudsman Programs

The materials on this page are organized by topic and were produced by Ombudsman programs from around the nation.

Ombudsman Program Certification Training Manuals

This page includes examples of Ombudsman program certification training manuals.

If your program has training materials they would like to share, please email

Read archived issues of NORC Notes here. If you have a question, are not able to find a resource, or want to share training materials or program practices, please email

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