The Great Relay is the biggest, longest pool-based relay competition in the United States! Teams of 8 or more swimmers see how fast they can finish 5000 yards or meters. Many different types of teams can compete to be ranked and receive recognition nationally: different ages, types of swim teams (summer league, high school, club, etc.), pool lengths, and more.
Now, more than ever, underserved youth need mentorship and support. The Great Relay is critical in helping the Trident Swim Foundation fund, and support, the Swimmer Scholar program. The Great Relay encourages fun competition in swimming and raises money to improve access to lifesaving swim lessons, competitive swim programs, academic support, and college education for in inner citiy youth.
Event Details
Date: Sunday, April 6th from 10:00am - 2:00pm
Location: West Hollywood Aquatics Center
8750 El Tovar Plaace, Rooftop, West Hollywood
Warm up: 10:00 - 11:00 am ish
Main Event: Heat 1 - 11:30 - 12:45
After Party: 1:30 ish - 5:00 PM
La Boheme
8400 Santa Monica Blvd.