"CCA Walkers" Team
Dear friends,
I will be walking on May 10th at the John Carroll School in Bel Air in memory Robert Cook Sr., a loved family member. I also walk in memory of other loved family and friends who have lost the cancer battle and to honor those who are currently fighting the same battle. Cancer touches family and friends, in our community every day. The Chesapeake Cancer Alliance is celebrating our 12th year for the Amanda Hichkad CCA Celebration Walk. CCA has raised over $1,000,000 with our "Walk" fundraising for Cancer LifeNet. The funds that we raise go directly to the Cancer LifeNet Program at the University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health Patricia D. & M. Scot Kaufman Cancer Center. This program, which is funded solely through philanthropic donations, provides a variety of free supportive care services for cancer patients and their families right here in the community. Last year the caring staff at Cancer LifeNet provided these much needed services to more than 2,000 individuals. As you can imagine, expenses increase every year. Your generous donation to the 2025 Amanda Hichkad CCA Celebration Walk will definitely help to support the continuation of these services for families fighting the cancer battle. Please help to keep this much needed program available to those individuals in the community battling cancer. Thank you for your support of the efforts of the Chesapeake Cancer Alliance. To join my team or to donate to my team, "CCA Walkers", go to uchfoundation.org, click on events, click on Amanda Hichkad CCA Celebration Walk. Follow the instructions. If you would like to send a check, write it to Chesapeake Cancer Alliance. In the notes section write CCA Walkers. Mail to UCH Foundation, 520 Upper Chesapeake Drive #405, Bel Air, MD 21014.
With much appreciation,
Gail Cook

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