Where can I access the Daily Activity Tracker?

The Daily Activity Tracker is available here. The tracker is also available on the University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation Instagram page. Screen shot the Activity Tracker, check off your activity of the day or add your favorite gif/emoji. Don’t forget to tag us and add to your story.

How do I share my Daily Activity Calendar to my Instagram story?

Everything you need do know about posting to your Instagram story can be found here.

How does the Activity Calendar work?

Our 30-Day Activity calendar is composed of a variety of workouts brought to you by some incredibly talented cross Canada activity partners.
You can expect new content to be released weekly, (early Monday mornings), and once the content is released, the links will remain available for the remainder of the month.
This is your opportunity to try something new.

Access the calendar here: www.jumpincalendar.ca.
*NOTE: the calendar is password protected. You will receive the password in your JUMP IN™ welcome email.

NOTE: The classes included in our 30-day calendar are suggestions only. Remember, it’s not what you do, but how you do it. Walking, laundry, gardening, and other everyday tasks are just as effective, as long as you move your body.

What can I expect to see in the Activity Calendar?

REMEMBER: This is a tool, not an obligation. Go at your own pace and do what feels right for your body. If this calendar seems intimidating, check out the daily beat instead and keep doing what you are doing!

What is the Daily Beat?

The Daily Beat is informative content to help benefit you in your JUMP IN™ journey. Content pieces range from fitness related topics, fashion pieces, nutrition talks, and more! There is something for everyone!

How do I enter the contests?

We will be posting contest information and giveaways on our social media throughout the month of September. Be sure to follow our Instagram and Facebook pages to see what’s up for grabs.

Facebook: @UniversityOfOttawaHeartInsitututeFoundation

Instagram: @HeartInstituteFoundation

Twitter: @HeartFDN


I want to do more - how do I donate to support women’s heart health?

Thank you for asking! Donations are matched by wonderful corporate matching partners throughout the month of September. You can donate online here or call the University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation at 613-696-7030.

By making a donation you are making an impact in prevention, treatment and outcomes for women and heart disease, and you will be supporting women’s heart health through research, education and programming at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and the Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre.

Can I create a JUMP IN™ Team?

Yes — we love the idea of inspiring your community to JUMP IN™ with you. You can create a team and invite others to join you here.
You will create a Team Page and Personal Page all personalized to YOU! Share with your community via email and Facebook and inspire others. There are easy to use templates in the Participant Center we have all the tools you need to invite others to support your efforts.

I am having trouble with my payment not being processed. What is the issue?

Please ensure the billing details you enter are exactly as they are for your credit card. Our online system is extremely secure details must be exact. If you are still running into issues, feel free to call us at 613-696-7030.

How can I share details with my friends about this event?

We invite you to download our social media kit here.

We have a JUMP IN™ sign, lots of content and messaging along with some great photos. Print the JUMP IN™ sign and get creative with your post. Be sure to tag us and we will share with the JUMP IN™ community:

Facebook: @UniversityOfOttawaHeartInsitututeFoundation

Instagram: @HeartInstituteFoundation

Twitter: @HeartFDN