A virtual nation-wide 30-day challenge to encourage you to get moving in your own space and at your own pace, in support of women’s heart health across Canada. Raising funds and awareness for the heart health of the women we love.


That’s right, jumping in to your choice of 30 minutes of physical activity a day, for 30 days. Together, we will improve the heart health of all Canadian women. Register to JUMP IN™ and help support women’s heart health through research, education and programming at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and the Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre.


JUMP IN™ for the 30-Day challenge and support women’s heart health!

GET ACTIVE From September 1 to September 30. JUMP IN™ and get active for 30 minutes each day.

REGISTER and participate ANYWHERE you choose - indoors, outdoors, at home or at the gym. It’s up to you!

START your journey by joining our LIVE Kick-off September 1st.
**Exciting details will be announced soon

TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Once you’ve registered you will receive your: Daily Activity Tracker. Use this tool to track your 30 minutes of activity each day. Print the tracker and post it at home or save it to your camera roll and update on your social media daily.

ACCESS YOUR JUMP IN™ exclusive workout schedule daily to join a variety of virtual classes from gyms, studios and fitness instructors across Canada. Here's a sneak peak of our calendar below or access your calendar here. (Please note - calendar content is subject to change and this is a password protected calendar. Your password to this calendar was included in your "JUMP IN™ is here - Everything you need to know" email).

Looking for something a little different and need help choosing creative ways to get active? We’ve got you covered. Here is a list of 30 fun activity ideas! Mix and match your favorite activities throughout the 30 days!

JumpIn Acitivy Calendar

SHARE, MOTIVATE & INSPIRE with your friends, family and JUMP IN™ Community of women (and men!) who are joining you in your neighborhood, and across the country by staying connected!

POST DAILY, each day of the challenge share your updated Daily Activity Tracker or a picture of you JUMPING IN with your favorite activity.

TAG US in your daily posts. We want to be with you every step of the way!

Facebook: @UniversityOfOttawaHeartInsitututeFoundation

Instagram: @HeartInstituteFoundation

Twitter: @HeartFDN


DM US If you do not want to share publicly, no worries at all - direct message us and share your success with us privately. This will keep you motivated and encourage accountability! We will cheer you on from the sidelines.

BE PROUD & HAVE FUN Give yourself a pat on the back for JUMPING IN to support women’s heart health in your community and most importantly HAVE FUN every step of the way! Awesome Prizes are up for grabs throughout your 30-day challenge. Goodluck and see you out there!

30 Day Heart Health


Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death for women around the world. Thanks to your continued support, the scientists at the Heart Institute are changing that with a focus on diversity and precision medicine in all of our research. You started the conversation and are making an impact in prevention, treatment and outcomes for women and heart disease.

Thank you for joining us on this journey, there is still a long way to go and we admire so many of you who are making changes to your own physical activity by taking part in this 30-day challenge.

Do it for you, do it for the ladies in your life that you love, your mothers, daughters, grandmothers, sisters, aunts and your BFF’s.

Register today - Now is the time to JUMP IN™ and start the conversation!