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Essential Oil Use & Animals (Scratch 'n Sniff)

Join us for this fun and informative seminar on safely and effectively using essential oils with animals.

Nature's medicine cabinet, essential oils help to bring healing and relief not only from physical ailments but also emotional blockages. Dogs, Cats, Horses and Birds all benefit from pure essential oils which are antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.You will learn how to safely start using oils with your animal companions and we will demonstrate techniques on some of the shelter animals.

This seminar will teach you what to look for when purchasing oils and you'll be given many resources to further your learning.

Presented by Michele Tegen, Certified Aromatherapy Practitioner and owner of Wing Shadow Healing LLC, Michele first learned about essential oils from a nurse practitioner and has incorporated them into her household and with her animal companions for over fifteen years. She is not affiliated with any particular essential oil company.

The fee for this seminar is $22 per person. Please leave your animals at home for this presentation.

Time: 6:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.

We're sorry, the deadline for buying tickets for this event has passed.

