My Pet Walk Fundraising Page
I'm excited to be participating in Wisconsin Humane Society's Pet Walk! This year, I'm walking in honor of my beloved Olaf, who passed away in July at 9 1/2 years old from a degenerative neurological condition. We adopted Olaf when he was just a 4-month-old ball of fluff from the WHS Milwaukee Campus, and he changed our lives forever with his boundless love and joy for all creatures great and small.
Please consider supporting me and the animals by making a donation today to my Pet Walk fundraiser. Your gift — no matter the size — will help ensure that the Wisconsin Humane Society can continue to be there for animals in need.
From keeping pets in homes through our programs and services, to seeing lives transformed through adoption, WHS is doing incredible work every single day, and I hope you'll join me with a $5, $10, or even $20 donation to support this critical work.
Can I count on you to join me in helping animals in need?
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