DVD: Super Woman RX with Dr. Taz

DVD: Super Woman RX with Dr. Taz

DVD: Super Woman RX with Dr. Taz
Modern womanhood often means juggling multiple roles--businesswoman, mother, spouse, homemaker, and more--all while being expected to look perfectly composed. In other words, it means being superhuman. Super Woman Rx with Dr. Taz is a 60-minute PBS fundraising special that addresses these challenges in a frank and prescriptive way. Being overwhelmed and exhausted can often translate into unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, and no time for self-care. But diet and fitness plans are usually one-size-fits-all, and those universal programs just don't work for every body and every personality. This is especially true for women age 60+.

Integrative health and wellness expert Tasneem Bhatia, MD, known to her patients as Dr. Taz, has a plan that is anything but cookie-cutter. Her mission is to help women over the age of 60 achieve optimum health and she is passionate about helping PBS audience members with her personalized plans in Super Woman Rx. In Super Woman RX, Dr. Taz sets out to treat the “super woman syndrome” by offering five prescriptive plans based on a woman’s unique blueprint, or Power Type. Those Power Types are specially focused on women over the age of 60. Run time: Approx. 80 minutes (60 min. program + 20 min. bonus material) Extra Material: Approx. 20 mins.
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