7 DVDs: Civil Rights Collection: Tell Them We Are Rising + The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution + American Experience: Freedom Riders + American Experience: Freedom Summer + 3 DVD Set: Eyes on the Prize

7 DVDs: Civil Rights Collection: Tell Them We Are Rising + The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution + American Experience: Freedom Riders + American Experience: Freedom Summer + 3 DVD Set: Eyes on the Prize

7 DVDs: Civil Rights Collection: Tell Them We Are Rising + The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution + American Experience: Freedom Riders + American Experience: Freedom Summer + 3 DVD Set: Eyes on the Prize
7 DVDs Civil Rights Collection: - DVD, Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Black Colleges and Universities - DVD, The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution - DVD, American Experience: Freedom Riders - DVD, American Experience: Freedom Summer - 3-DVD Set, Eyes on the Prize

DVD or Blu-ray, Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Black Colleges and Universities Black colleges and universities have educated the architects of freedom movements and cultivated leaders in every field. They have been unapologetically Black for more than 150 years. For the first time ever, their story is told. Directed by award-winning documentary filmmaker Stanley Nelson, Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Black Colleges and Universities examines the impact Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have had on American history, culture, and national identity. Run Time: 120 minutes DVD, The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution More than 40 years after the Black Panther Party was founded the group and its leadership remain powerful and enduring images in our popular imagination. This will weave together the voices of those who lived this story -- police informants, journalists, white supporters and detractors those who remained loyal to the party and those who left it. This DVD features subtitles in English. Run Time: 120 minutes DVD, American Experience: Freedom Riders From May until December 1961, more than 400 black and white Americans risked their lives many endured savage beatings and imprisonment for simply traveling together on buses as they journeyed through the Deep South. Determined to test and challenge segregated travel facilities, the Freedom Riders were greeted with mob violence and bitter racism, sorely testing their belief in non-violent activism. From award-winning filmmaker Stanley Nelson, “Freedom Riders” features testimony from a fascinating cast of central characters; the riders themselves, state and federal government officials, and journalists who witnessed the rides firsthand. Based on Raymond Arsenault’s acclaimed book “Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice.” Run Time: 120 minutes DVD, American Experience: Freedom Summer In the hot and deadly summer of 1964, the nation could not turn away from Mississippi. Over 10 memorable weeks known as Freedom Summer, more than 700 student volunteers joined with organizers and local African Americans in a historic effort to shatter the foundations of white supremacy in one of the nation's most segregated states. Working together, they canvassed for voter registration, created Freedom Schools, and established the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party with the goal of challenging the segregationist state Democratic Party at the national convention in Atlantic City. Freedom Summer was marked by sustained and deadly violence, including the notorious murders of three civil rights workers, countless beatings, the burning of 35 churches, and the bombing of 70 homes and community centers. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Stanley Nelson (Freedom Riders, The Murder of Emmett Till), Freedom Summer highlights an overlooked but essential element of the civil rights movement: the patient and long-term efforts by both outside activists and local citizens in Mississippi to organize communities and register black voters--even in the face of intimidation, physical violence, and death. Run Time: 120 minutes 3-DVD Set, Eyes on the Prize EYES ON THE PRIZE is an award-winning six-hour documentary series on the civil rights movement that brilliantly illuminates the struggle for racial equality and social justice. Produced by Blackside, the series uses compelling human stories to engage viewers in the landmark events of 1954 to 1965. Henry Hampton, the creator and executive producer of the series, is recognized as one of the world's most acclaimed documentary filmmakers. Using words and perspectives from people who were determined to make our nation live up to its promise of equality, EYES ON THE PRIZE teaches essential lessons about race, leadership, and justice for all. Disc 1 Awakenings (1954-1956) Emmett Till…Rosa Parks…Martin Luther King, Jr. Rare reflections open the door to understanding America's struggle for equality. Curtis Jones (Emmett Till's cousin), Coretta Scott King, and other key witnesses describe the extraordinary role ordinary people played in shaping the civil rights movement. Mose Wright stands up to racial injustice. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. spark a boycott to desegregate city buses. King and other ministers form the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to expand the movement for civil and human rights. Fighting Back (1957-1962) Little Rock…"Ole Miss"…the 1954 Supreme Court Decision. Unforgettable images of the battle lines drawn in the South come to life through the eyes of those who were on the frontlines-Central High School senior Ernest Green, University of Mississippi registrar Robert Ellis, U.S. Attorney General Herbert Brownell. See states' rights loyalists and federal authorities collide in the struggle to integrate Central High School. James Meredith and NAACP lawyers face mob violence integrating the University of Mississippi. Disc 2 Ain't Scared of Your Jails (1960-1961) Sit-ins…SNCC…Freedom Rides. See young people unite to overcome segregation. Exclusive interviews with student activists, community leaders, and government officials reveal the remarkable human drama behind the lunch counter sit-ins, nationwide boycotts, and formation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Black and white freedom riders, organized by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), travel together at great risk to protest bus segregation and challenge the government to protect them from mobs. Strong black support aids in President Kennedy's election. No Easy Walk (1961-1963) Georgia…Alabama…the March on Washington. Discover the power of mass demonstrations with the emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. as the most visible leader of the civil rights movement. Recollections of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SN CC) members help chronicle the anti-segregation campaign in Albany, GA…the violent reaction to the Children's March in Birmingham, AL…the triumphant March on Washington, D.C. …and President Kennedy's proposal of the Civil Rights Act. Disc 3 Mississippi: Is This America? (1962-1964) Medgar Evers…Freedom Summer…the Civil Rights Act. Mississippi becomes a testing ground of constitutional principles as activists focus on the right to vote. Key participants recount the state's resistance to the movement and the equally strong determination of black and white organizers to bring blacks into the political process. NAACP leader Medgar Evers is assassinated and three civil rights workers are murdered. Amidst the horror, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is passed. Bridge to Freedom (1965) Selma…Montgomery…The Voting Rights Act. Eyewitness accounts by the Rev. C.T. Vivian, Stokley Carmichael, and George Wallace illuminate the events of 1965 focusing on a decade of lessons learned and the role of television in the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King, Jr. receives the Nobel Peace Prize. TV images of troopers gassing demonstrators on a Selma bridge fill living rooms. Twenty-five thousand people march from Selma to Montgomery, helping to ensure the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Run Time: 360 minutes Extra Material: Includes an interview with Henry Hampton
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