Love the Life You Live Collection: 2 Books, 7 DVDs, 2 CDs, Cards for Change, My Blessings Label

Love the Life You Live Collection: 2 Books, 7 DVDs, 2 CDs, Cards for Change, My Blessings Label

Love the Life You Live Collection: 2 Books, 7 DVDs, 2 CDs, Cards for Change, My Blessings Label
The Love the Life you Live Collection contains: - HBK, The Love Principle Daily Practices for a Loving & Purposeful Life - PBK, 101 Ways to Love the Life You Live (A Positive Thinker's Guidebook) - 7-DVDs, Lectures from Dr Michael Brown (incl. program DVD) - 2-CDs, One on One with Dr. Brown Volumes 1 & 2 - Cards for Change - My Blessings Label


Item #1 - The Love Principle Daily Practices for a Loving & Purposeful Life – In this powerful new 240 page hardcover book, Dr. Brown says “there is no force so powerful as authentic love.”

Your journey toward long-lasting happiness can begin with this book. In just a few simple steps, Dr. Michael B. Brown provides a clear path through a discipline of daily loving that will lead you to purpose and joy in life. Follow these steps to bring meaning to your home, romantic relationships, workplace, personal friendships, and your own sense of self.


Item #2 - 101 Ways to Love the Life You Live (A Positive Thinker’s Guidebook) – EXCLUSIVE trade paperback filled with simple and effective ways to make small yet powerful changes in your life. 


Item #3 - DVD Library – A comprehensive personal growth collection of 7 DVDs designed to help you on a step-by-step journey to a more loving and purposeful life.  Subjects covered with clear suggestions include: Making Life Meaningful, Self-Love and Laughter, Making the Most of Time, Daily Decisions, Reality Check and so much more.  Each lecture is filled with actionable information to lead you towards your personal goals of a more loving and purposeful life.


Item #4 - 2 CDs – One on One with Dr. Brown Volumes 1 & 2 – For more than 40 years Dr. Brown has been meeting and chatting with people and helping them discover their true purpose in life and find lasting happiness.  These two CDs are like sitting with Dr. Brown and sharing your most heartfelt thoughts – Dr. Brown provides warm and sensitive insights to the most common issues he’s seen arise in his long career in the “people business.”


Item #5 - Cards for Change

Following the principles of “Neuro-Associative Conditioning” and common sense these daily reminders of Dr. Brown’s 5 Steps to a Loving & Purposeful Life will help donors keep these important concepts front and center in their lives – on their mirror, by the kitchen sink, next to their computer – anywhere in their home, office or car where a small reminder will move them towards their personal goals.


Item #6 - My Blessings - Label

Dr. Brown thinks it’s essential to express your personal goals and daily gratitude in a tangible way – to write them down and collect in one place so you can review on a monthly basis as part of his 5 Steps to a Loving & Purposeful Life practice.  For that purpose we’ve included a label for donors to affix to a convenient vessel – coffee can, mason jar, bowel – and leave it in one place to be used daily.



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