Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc.
Gift & Payment Information

Keepers of the Gate

Keepers of the Gate

Keepers of the Gate commit to an annual recurring gift of $1,000 or more, choosing between three giving levels:

  • Traditional Keeper: $1,000-$1,799 annual commitment to Hadassah
  • Chai Keeper: $1,800-$2,499 annual commitment to Hadassah
  • Silver Keeper: $2,500-$4,999 annual commitment to Hadassah
  • Golden Keeper: $5,000-$9,999 annual commitment

To donate monthly, call 1-800-928-0685 or contact annualgiving@hadassah.org.

Hadassah Keepers of the Gate ensure Hadassah’s impact every day, in Israel, the United States and around the world.

Annual giving plays a critical role in Hadassah's lifesaving medical breakthroughs and cutting-edge care, supports a strong Israel, empowers women to effect change, and provides at-risk youth in Israel with a bright future.

All new Keepers receive a frameable certificate with their name inscribed and quarterly statements. Each level is eligible to receive a distinctive David’s Harp pin or pendant for their giving level, with Associate Keepers being eligible to receive a tie pin. (Fair Market Value of jewelry $110-$680). Golden Keepers are accorded all honors given to a Hadassah Major Donor.

As a Keeper of the Gate, your name will be displayed on the beautiful new Keepers of the Gate digital wall at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem upon completion of your first year's pledge. For more information about Keepers recognitions, please contact the Annual Giving department at annualgiving@hadassah.org

Together, we have the power to heal the world. Thank you.


We welcome all members, associates and Hadassah supporters to invest in the future of Israel and medicine by choosing one of the annual giving levels below.

David's Harp Pin Information:

TRADITIONAL LEVEL (including Keepers and Young Keepers) sterling silver David's Harp pin (non-deductible: $180) or sterling silver tie pin for associates (non-deductible: $110) CHAI LEVEL sterling silver David's Harp pin with one stone (non-deductible: $200) GOLDEN KEEPERS 10K gold David's Harp pin with four stones (non-deductible: $680) ASSOCIATE GOLDEN KEEPERS 14K gold David's Harp tie pin (contact National to order and for pricing) Please note that pins cannot be traded in. It is recommended that used pins be given to chapters for new Keepers.

Note: In accordance with IRS tax laws, only the amount of your gift that exceeds the fair market value of goods and services received in consideration for your gift is deductible as a charitable contribution for Federal income tax purposes. The good faith estimate of the pins offered in connection with your contribution is set forth below which represents the portion of your gift that is non-deductible. If you wish for the entire amount of your contribution in the first year to be tax deductible, you may decline the pin available to you by checking the appropriate box on the form.

Field Is Required Select Gift Amount:

$5,000 and up

$2,500 - $4,999

$1,800 - $2,499

$1,000 - $1,799

Gift type:
Total Gift: 0.00

You can make your annual gift in one lump sum or a one-time partial payment through Hadassah’s website, or you can contact Donor Services at annualgiving@hadassah.org, or by phone at (800) 928-0685 if you would like to set up monthly ongoing payments.

Field Is Required Gift Designation:

Donor Information:


Billing Information:

Payment Method:

Credit Card Information:

Credit Card Type:
  • Visa
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
What is this?

Check Information

By clicking on Submit my Donation, your credit card will be processed and you will receive both a confirmation page and a confirmation email once your transaction is processed. If you don’t get a confirmation, please email Donor Services at donorservices@hadassah.org, or call them at 1-800-928-0685 for assistance.

Charitable deductions are allowed to the extent provided by law. Hadassah shall have full dominion, control and discretion over this gift (and shall be under no legal obligation to transfer any portion of a gift to or for the use or benefit of any other entity or organization). All decisions regarding the transfer of funds to or for the benefit of any other entity or organization shall be subject to the approval of the Board or other governing body of Hadassah. Donors are encouraged to read Hadassah's Charitable Solicitation Disclosure Statement.