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Mari's May ALS Awareness Month

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2024 Defeat ALS Your Way - Get Creative

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Our Story

Mari's May ALS Awareness Month

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! Your support is vital as we work together to defeat ALS—a cause very close to my heart.

The ALS Association’s goal is to make ALS livable for everyone, everywhere, until it is cured.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow, and breathe. There is currently no cure.

During ALS Awareness Month, I'm motivated by a very special person in my life who has been battling ALS. Despite the challenges, this wonderful individual continues to inspire me with his resilience and courage. But not everyone is as fortunate, and continued research is crucial for improving the lives of those affected by ALS.

By donating to this campaign, you're not just supporting my loved one, but countless others who are fighting ALS. Your contribution helps the ALS Association to lead in research, advocacy, and patient services across the nation.

During this ALS Awareness Month, I am reaching out to ask for your support. Whether it's a donation of $5 or more, every bit helps in continuing the fight against ALS.

That is why I started this fundraiser. Your support will allow The ALS Association to continue leading the fight against ALS in research, advocacy, and care services nationwide. 

Donate today and help us make ALS livable for everyone, everywhere, until it is cured. Together, we can make a difference.

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