2024 ALS SuperHero 5K 10K Dash

The Martin Marvels



Please Support Me...

On May 14th our team will be participating in the SuperHero Kids Dash/5k/10k Dash, an event designed to raise funds in support of those with ALS throughout our region. We are reaching out to you because we need your help to reach our team fundraising goal. Together, we can support those living with Lou Gehrig's Disease while spreading awareness of the urgency to find treatments that will lead to a cure.  

This is a great time to get your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors involved and become SuperHeroes!  Please consider the difference that you might be able to make in the lives of people affected by this disease.     

Why Your Help Matters...

Also referred to as Lou Gehrig's Disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly takes away the body's ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. There is currently no cure for the disease with life expectancy averaging 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis. As many of you know, my family has the familial ALS gene, C9ORF72. We have lost far too many members long before their time to this horrific disease.

Due to the rapid progression of ALS, the needs of someone living with the disease evolve rapidly over a short period of time. Often times insurance does not cover durable medical equipment, so The ALS Association utilizes a loan pool that allows people to access equipment at no charge. Caregivers often need a break, so The ALS Association pays for skilled home care workers to give those caregivers time. The ALS Association also provides augmentative communication devices that are critical when someone's ability to speak has been compromised.  All of these supports help individuals and families impacted by ALS live the fullest life possible, which is why we're asking you to support our fundraising efforts or join our team.

Thank You!

Join our team and become a part of The SuperHero Dash
Simply click the "Join Team" link on our team roster.

Make a donation
Help us reach our goal! Select one of our super participants. Click their name to donate on their behalf. All the money donated from this page will support our team's overall goal.

We walk/run in memory of - Charles Martin, Jan Martin, Linda Pfeil, and Leann Glenna.                                                    We walk/run in honor - of all the family members that are currently carrying this awful disease.




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